Chapter Ten

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Forty minutes later, Cleo showed up to Jessy's home. I proposed to drive there with my car, since it would be more practical if we didn't use three cars.

"So, is it far ?" I opened my sat nav, looking at the two girls who were with me.

"Not as much as you think, don't worry." Jessy said before typing an address on the screen.

Twenty minutes later, i parked my car, stopping the motor. Cleo took her cake and walked first, while Jessy followed as i closed the car. The hospital was big. I thought it would have been a small town ones. Yes, cliché.

Once inside, i could see Jessy and Cleo talking to a woman at the front desk before returning to me.

"Well ?"

"We can go see her, but we only have twenty minutes. The police is coming after."

"Right." I didn't say that i would have a call with Alan after that. They would probably send some of their men to update Hannah too. "Let's go see her then."

I followed them as i didn't know where her bedroom was. We entered the elevator and i watched as Jessy pressed the third floor. A few seconds later, we walked out of it and passed a few doors before Cleo stopped in front of room 301. Hannah's room. She knocked, waiting for her to respond. A woman voice was heard, letting us come in.

I let Jessy and Cleo enter first as i actually didn't feel like i was at the right place. I was always nervous to meet new people. Once inside, i could see Hannah sitting on her bed, in an hospital gown. She had long brown hair, like i had seen on the pictures that Thomas and Cleo shown me. She was pretty. Of course she had a few scratch here and there, but overall, she looked kinda good. Not too banged up. Not that it was a bad thing.

"We brought you a surprise ! Judith, come here !" Jessy said, while taking a spot on the side of the bed and making a move to signal me to come closer.

I wasn't sure if i could really be considered as a surprise, but well. Here i was.

"Hello Hannah." I tried to smile at her. "It's nice to meet you. Finally." I walked to her, extending my hand. What i didn't expect was that she brought me to her by my hand, hugging me. I stayed without moving for a second before hugging her back. She must have been overwhelmed by meeting the person who had helped in finding her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She said, whispering in my ear. I could sense that she was grateful. Really grateful.

"It's nothing. I did what i could do." I pulled back, smiling at her.

"You saved me."

I could tell that she was close to tears. But i didn't want her to cry.

"I'm glad that you're okay. Now, let's eat Cleo's cake, shall we ?"

She nodded her head and turned to look at Cleo who was cutting the cake. She had brought plastic plates with her so we could eat it. Jessy was smiling, looking at Hannah and me who were still sitting close to each other. I thanked Cleo when she gave me the plate with a piece of cake bigger then i would eat.

"So, how are you doing today Hannah ?" Cleo asked, taking a piece of cake.

"Pretty good. My muscles still hurts me a bit because i didn't have enough room to properly move. But otherwise, i'm fine. Thank you for asking."

"It's good to hear. I'm glad you're doing better. Do you have any idea when you're going to be allowed to leave ?"

"I don't know. I'm getting better but the doctor said i should stay a few more days so they can watched out for any problems that could occur now."

I swallowed a tiny piece of cake before talking. "It's probably because you were away for so long. You didn't have a proper and healthy time. Your body will have degenerated at least a minimum. I can suppose that you weren't offered five stars meals. Nor a proper hygienic care. Wherever you where, you could have contracted any kind of bacteria. You only need a tick to bite you without noticing, or any other insect, for you to contract something. You wouldn't even noticed it." I stopped talking, putting the plate on the table next to the bed. I looked up to see the three girls looking at me. Shit. I talk too much. "Sorry, i tend to speak too much when i'm anxious."

"Where did you learn all of that Judith ?" Jessy asked. Because she had seen me like this one time. When she asked me what would happen now that the case was nearly closed.

"Well, i do read a lot. But i did try multiple courses of studies before finding what i liked. It just stayed in my head i guess." I smiled shyly. I didn't really liked talking about that because i often was considered weird for changing my courses so much

"I like it. I like to know that you know so much about a lot of stuff. Kind of reassuring if i'm being honest." Jessy said, smiling at me.

"Thanks. I like learning things if i can." I smiled too.

"Well, then i suppose it's for that, that i can't go home yet. But it shouldn't take too long i think. If what the doctors said is true. It's already been four days."

I nodded my head. She was right. They couldn't keep her here for much longer. She looked healthy and if all her results were showing in the positive, then she wouldn't stay that much more.

I looked up at the wall, where the clock was. It was already five and a half o'clock. A couple of minutes until we would have to leave.

"Did Thomas came today ?"

"Yeah, he came this morning with Lilly. Oh ! By the way thank you for the flowers Judith. They're beautiful." Hannah smiled, pointing at the flowers by the windows. It wasn't until now that i noticed them.

"You're welcome. I thought it would be a good idea. Everyone like flowers. Plus, i bought them in the flower shop where Dan worked."

"Please, never say to him that i told you that. He will make my life a living hell !"

"I promised i won't. And to be honest, he already makes our life busy."

She laughed a bit and i was glad that she could be happy for a bit of times. I wouldn't blame her for wanting to try and forget a bit about what had happened.

After that, i mostly stayed quiet, only smiling from time to time to show that i was following the conversation. I liked to watch more then i liked to talk, to be honest. But i also liked to see that they were all relatively happy to see each other again. I could see how Cleo and Hannah were best friends now. It wasn't that obvious when meeting Cleo and the other, but seeing them interact was something else. They really seemed like best friends now.

"Well, i don't mean to chase you, but the police should come any minutes now. And i don't want you to be in trouble. I wasn't really supposed to have any meetings before that. Maybe they don't want me to be influenced by you all. Even if any of you never mentioned a single things."

"We thought it would be better. We don't want you to feel bad about it anymore. It was more than enough that you had to live it." I said, trying to come up with something so we wouldn't have to talk about the matter.

"It's alright. Now go, they should be there soon."

"We'll come back to see you soon. Take care of yourself." Cleo said, hugging her tightly. Jessy than hug her, kissing her cheeks. And i didn't know if i was supposed to do the same, because we didn't really know each other for the time being, but she extended her arms to me.

Without waiting for more, i hugged her back. She smiled at me, which i returned before pulling away. We all said our goodbye, leaving her in her bedroom. Fortunately, we never saw any police officer coming our way and were able to leave the hospital without question.

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