Chapter 1

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*This starts immediately after the end of Secretly His when they are on their way home from their wedding*

"I have a surprise for you," Chris said as we walked up to the door

"I'm not sure I have the energy for one of your surprises tonight. I barely have the energy to walk inside the house after everything today."

"I know it's been a big day with all the wedding stuff but I wanted to do something sweet for you for when we got home." he opened the door before he picked me up bridal style and carried me inside to the living room.

"Oh my god," I said as he set me down and I saw the living room was a giant blanket fort. "This is amazing Chris."

"Come see the inside."

"Can I have a minute before we go in, just to change out of this dress and take off my makeup?"

"Of course, I'll get the rest of the way out of this tux while you're gone." 

He'd ditched his jacket while we were dancing and I undone his vest as well as untied his tie. "Can you unzip this thing for me please?"

He turned me around and carefully unzipped my dress before softly kissing my shoulders and back. "Hurry back Mrs. Evans." 

I smiled back at him before I walked up the stairs, holding the top of the dress in place with my arm. The first thing I did was carefully take my dress off and hang it in the closet before I walked to the bathroom and cleaned my face. After I brushed out my hair and pulled it up, I went to grab the lingerie I bought for tonight. As much as I wanted to wear something super sexy for him, I thought it'd be more fitting to wear an all-white babydoll style piece with a see-through lacey top and a silky bottom. Before I headed downstairs I took a minute to just look at the ring on my finger and slowly twisted it around my finger with a soft smile. It felt surreal to be married to him. This was everything I wanted and I was so beyond happy. I walked down the stairs and found Chris wearing just his slacks in the dining room. He perked up when he saw me coming down the stairs and I smiled as he headed straight for me. "I don't know what I was expecting you to come down in but this is better. Are you ready to see your fort for the evening?"

"Yes. I can't wait." 

This was the weirdest feeling in the world, we both could feel the tension building since we both knew where this was going. I knew there was no expectation from him for me to have sex with him but I wanted to. He pulled me by my hand to the entrance and then we bent down to go inside. In the center was a large open spot with string lights, lots of pillows and blankets, and a picnic basket. "I figured we might be hungry by the time we got home so I put some food in here for us to eat and some champagne."

We both sat down and I soft smiled at him as he poured us champagne. I took a small sip as he got pulled out the food for us to eat. "This is perfect, Chris. I love it."

"I just wanted tonight to be special and I wanted it to be romantic."

"Do you feel this weird awkward tension too?" I finally asked

"Yeah, is everything okay?"

"Mhm. I think I'm in my head about it."

"We don't have to do anything, honey. It's not required that we have sex tonight."

"I know. I'm just feeling a little bit of pressure to be a good wife on our wedding night."

"There is no pressure, Cassie. It's just a normal night."

"It's so not normal."

"It's pretty normal, I'm still going to fuck the shit out of you like it's a regular day." he joked which made me laugh and I suddenly felt better. "I need you to take a deep breath and get out of your head for me, please."

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