Continuing in the Withering Forest

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The large group that Filius led all headed deeper into the forest, they hadn't entered very deep when something occurred. 

The group and Filius were stopped by one of his servants, a Hanzo, Filius looked down and spoke "Speak, Hanzo."

"Lord, we have encountered a creature up ahead, as per your orders we've detained it and are watching over it", the Hazo said.

"I see, this creature must be sentient then", Filius then had a question in mind, "Why haven't you brought this being before me?"

"Lord, the creature claims to be a Dryad, from our understanding and our new training, we concluded that removing it from the ground it is located in could hurt it or maybe kill it", Hanzo explained while trying to be careful and respectful with his words. 

Filius nodded, "Understood, also I am proud you listen to my orders carefully, for that Hanzo, I will personally grant you a gift." Filius stepped forward and placed his hand on top of Hanzo's head, "I will bestow upon you a personal name, from today onward, you will be called, Fujibayashi Nagato."

Everyone around Filius was stunned, Peter's group was stunned because they didn't understand exactly what was going on, while Filius's servants were stunned because this was an impacting event. 

You see, most NPCs who weren't created specifically by the guild members tended to go nameless and have only been called by their race title thus far. So most of the NPCs with names called all these nameless servants by their race name, Filius knew this and decided to do something about this. He would present names as a small gift to the nameless NPCs who performed incredible deeds or aided in some form for Nazarick. Hanzo or now named Fujibayashi Nagato was the first servant he had bestowed a name upon, but he would do this for other servants from now on. 

Also, the reason Peter and his group were stunned was that in their eyes this was weird, being gifted a name was confusing. They as adventurers had heard from soldiers that they would be gifted a raise in rank and a new title if they performed great deeds, but to see a servant being granted a name was strange, but also take into account that they don't know the context about it. While the swords of Darkness were stunned, they weren't the only ones, Filius's servants were also amazed. The reason for it was that Filius would always be creating innovations for Nazarick, with the discovery of new items and chambers in Nazarick, and his creation of new magic uses, as well as his amazing strategies in Nazarick's development. Filius using names as gifts created a new form of goal for the nameless NPCs, the servants, like Mare, saw this and were amazed by the Young Master's intellect. 

Nameless NPCs from Nazarick, who would learn this later on, would strive to stand out and perform even better in order to receive a name granted specifically from their masters, the Supreme Beings. 

(A.N: When I mention items and chambers, I speak about certain mechanics in the game, in the light novel it explains that the settings and console controls for Ainz/Momonga have been restricted and changed to fit the New World, and certain aspects of his menu were still the same, but some things are different. In most games with cosmetic items, you'd need to go into your menu and customize your character through there, but now that Ainz and Nazarick have been transported to the new world, the Skin Mechanic changed and turned into a specialized chamber where sacrifices were used in order to transform the appearance of a person. Filius as he investigated all of Nazrick, discovered this and started searching for any other mechanics that could've changed and he did, but that will be for later on.)

Filius decided to name this Hanzo for multiple reasons, you see, Filus could somehow distinguish the difference in all the nameless NPCs because of that, he remembered this Hanzo and the previous deeds he has done. The Hanzo in front of Filius has performed various deeds and for his services, Filius has decided to recognize him and officiate a name on him.

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