Audience in the Throne room

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The next morning.......

Gazelf had woken up early that day so he could bandage and stitch up his injuries, he carefully wrapped his arm in a bandage it was the last place he needed to patch up. 

"Ugh, crap...", Gazelf groaned as he lifted his arm. 

 "I need to go to a healer or maybe buy a few potions", he sighed, "It's disappointing that Mrs. Bareare moved to Carne Village."

"If it hurts, wear the armor"

Gazelf jolted when he heard a familiar voice, "Guardian, is that you?"

"Yes my child", Gazelf immediately knew the voice that spoke to him. 

"How are you able to speak to me like this", Gazelf asked happily. 

"My child, you may be old in human age, but I am much older. Magic has many capabilities as I've said before", the guardian told him. 

"I see, so what was this about the armor?", Gazelf asked. 

"I came to give you advice, the armor isn't just incredibly tough, it also helps heal you", Gazelf turned to the armor and stared at it. 

"So it's magical, that's awesome", Gazelf said as he touched the cape. 

"I believe that wearing different armor, as a knight, is allowed in this kingdom, is it not?", The Guardian asked. 

"Yes, it's allowed, the king provided me with the one I wore, once I purchase or acquire one of my own, the one he lent will be returned into the military", Gazelf stated. 

"Wearing this armor will increase all your abilities and will provide you with more, such as magical regeneration, greater mental thinking, and twice your strength", The Guardian stated. 

"How come no one has found this before me?", Gazelf asked. 

"It was kept secret from the previous user, it was due to it being too powerful. Humanity would often become greedy when they've held onto power like that, so in order to protect his home, he hid the armor in a temple far away and used magic to make a security system", The Guardian stated as if he saw it happen. 

"That still doesn't answer why people haven't found it", Gazelf said with a chuckle. 

The Guardian also chuckled, "Let me ask you this, what is the definition of an adventurer? Is it  people who get assigned simple bounty missions for money, or is it a group of people willing to risk their lives on exploring the unknown no matter the circumstances of each country?"

"Good point", Gazelf knew that adventurers were more like mercenaries than explorers. 

"Thank you again, for helping me save my country", Gazelf said with sincerity. 

"No, thank you, child, for saving the place that used to be my home", Gazelf looked up in shock finally realizing why the guardian wanted to protect his home. 

"You used to live here?", Gazelf asked. 

"Yes, but that's a story for another time, you need to attend to your duties", Gazelf realized that he needed to get ready and head to the castle. 

He turned back to the armor and smiled, "Time to show you off."


Filius was leaving his study and heading for the throne room, behind him followed Yuri who was the maid taking care of him, "Tell me my schedule for today."

"I believe you haven't forgotten anything Young Master", Filius chuckled at Yuri's words. 

"Hahaha, I've been reading these small stories my father calls mangas, they exist in the world of the Supreme Beings and apparently they are very popular", Filius stated. 

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