Nazaricks Side Stories

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Sebas's Journal pt.1

First Entry,

Greetings, my name is Sebas, I am the head butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. This scribing is my first time writing something for my own leisure. Today was the first day that The Great Tomb of Nazarick had arrived in the New World. Even though the servants of the great tomb were transported here, there wasn't any turmoil or worry within us. The reason for this was because he was also here, our leader and one and only master, Lord Momonga. Lord Momonga, is an existence that can't compare to anyone, he is a supreme being, a god-kin gifted to the world of Yggdrasil. In actuality, there are forty-one Supreme Beings and at the top is Lord Momonga, unlike the other Supreme Beings he is the pinnacle of power and wisdom, he united all the Supreme Beings, and together they created the Great Tomb of Nazarick as well as all the servants living in it. What is a Supreme Being you may ask, they are gods, they have the power to both destroy and create worlds, they can create life as well as take it both with little effort. They are the definition of power and wisdom, each choice they make and each idea they plan is always the correct one. 

Excuse me, I have drifted off-topic, back to the main course. Our Master was also teleported here with us, so none of the servants felt uneasy or worried. Before we arrived, we were doing our duties, as servants, we would always wait for our master outside of the Supreme summoning room. Today we were surprised to know that two of the Supreme Beings came to Nazarick but we made sure to look dignifying for our masters. The Supreme Beings that arrived were Lord Momonga and Lord Herohero. Both of them had exited the room and were chatting to one another before Lord Herohero stopped the conversation to make a request of Lord Momonga.

Lord Herohero had asked Lord Momonga to take us along with them, saying that it would look cool. Lord Momonga thought about it and agreed, we then followed them to their wanted destination, the place we arrived was the great Invoking Chamber. This place was the birth room to all the servants of Nazarick, even I was born from there. When we arrived, Lord Momonga ordered us to remain outside, we gladly obeyed while remaining silent, then both of them entered the room. 

After waiting a while we heard the chime, a sound that Nazarick had in order to notify everyone that a Supreme Being had returned back to The Realm of the Supremes. I was wondering who was the one that had left, with all the data that I had collected I thought the most probable answer was Lord Herohero since at the time the one Supreme Being who had spent the most time in Yggdrasil was Lord Momonga. After a minute or two, the doors finally opened, and out stepped Lord  Momonga, but unlike what we expected he wasn't alone. Behind stood a person, a man covered in metal, I say covered but I didn't know if it covering him or if it was his actual body. 

After they stepped out of the Invoking chamber Lord Momonga ordered us to follow him. We obeyed and followed suit, Lord Momonga took us with him to the Great Hall. There he told us to stand by as he sat down on his throne and relaxed. The man with the cybernetics followed Lord Momonga and stood beside him. 

About five minutes had passed when suddenly Lord Momonga stood up in shock, he seemed worried about something, Lady Albedo asked what was wrong, but he struggled to give an answer. Lord Momonga sat down on his throne once more, before I could ask about his condition, my master gave me an order and I obeyed immediately. 

After I had completed the order, I was asked to go to the 6th-floor arena and report my findings there to him. Once I arrived at the set destination, I saw all the guardians there, except for Gargantua and Victim. After I reported everything I found, Lord Momonga gave an announcement, one that made all of our hearts shake in happiness and excitement, he presented us, Filius, his son. 

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