Entering the Withering Forest

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The Swords of Darkness had finished eating their meals and were relaxing with bellies full of food. 

"Hey, I have a question?", Lukurt asked. 

"If it's not one of those stupid questions then ask away", Peter teased, Ninya and Dyne laughed. 

Lukrut smiled, "Whatever, anyway, why do you think Lord Filius sent us here, isn't he and his father like super powerful, they could just teleport us here without needing to travel by foot."

"Lukrut does have a point, Lord Ainz can revive the dead and command numerous powerful monsters, we've even witnessed teleportation magic", Ninya spoke. 

"Oh yeah that gate thing, it looked like an ominous fog", Peter said remembering the first time they ever went to Nazarick. 

"This may be my own opinion, but I believe that the Lords follow the unspoken law of adventuring", Dyne said as he was maintaining his mace. 

"Law?", Ninya asked, "This is the first time I'm hearing this."

"We've never mentioned it the whole time you were with us, have we", Peter spoke, "The unspoken law for adventures is said like this, thou who explores the already known is not a truly discovering the unknown, a path of adventuring is taken one foot at a time in untraveled paths."

"There are many things said in that quote but the one we focus on is that went, a path of adventuring is taken one foot at a time in untraveled paths. Adventurers understand this saying as, in order to become a true adventurer you must travel by foot to unexplored locations that's how a true adventurer is made", Dyne said. 

"Only old-timers like us still follow that law", Lukrut said boastingly. 

Peter whacked Lukrut on the head, "Weren't you the one complaining a while ago?"

"Ow, man, haven't you heard of growth", Lukrut said rubbing his head. 

"Anyway, I think it's time for us to continue our journey", Peter spoke to his entire team. 

"Indeed, our break was great but it's best if we move on", Dyne said standing up. 

"Ok", Ninya turned to the creature inside the box, she waved at the creature, "Ok little one, we'll be heading out again I'll have to close this again, I'll leave the rest of the chocolate with you."

She dropped in the chocolate without the wrapper inside and closed the little flap on the box. 

"Alright let's head out", Peter stated. 

"Ugh", Lukrut got up annoyed that his break was cut short, "Maximum effort."

After packing up and they headed out, they walked a long way, finally, they arrived in an area different from the normal forest. 

They noticed the area had changed a bit, instead of the lush green forest they had seen so far, they entered an area where the leaves were turning into a red and orange color. 

They continued their path and as they moved forward, they all noticed that the red leaves started changing the path was covered full of dried and dead leaves as well as fallen dried branches. 

Ninya kneeled down and picked up a big branch, she used both her hands and she easily broke it. 

"Damn, since when did you bulk up", Lukrut asked. 

"It was very brittle, it felt like a twig", Ninya stated. 

"Something is going on here", Dyne said in a cautious tone. 

Peter nodded, "I think we shouldn't push forward without being precautious, let's use the creature Lord Filius lent us."

Ninya and Lukrut nodded, Lukrut dropped the box and Ninya went to open it, "Hey little one, we need your help."

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