Training to Rule

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It was the next day and Filius had woken up earlier than usual, he had a request he needed to ask one of his guardians.

He, along with a maid that was escorting him, was currently walking to the entrance of the 5th floor of The Great Tomb of Nazarick. Filius was here to start his training, he had spoken to Demiurge and asked him how he could master or test his unknown abilities. Demiurge had suggested that, since he was the son of the Supreme Being he would need to test his abilities with the highest-level resident. But in order to master things he would have to do them separately, training in physical combat with Cocytus and Mare with magic. But if he wanted real combat experience in both he would have to battle Shalltear or Rubedo, though Rubedo could easily lose control. So that left, by default Shalltear.

"Lord Filius, what are we doing here", asked his personal maid.

"I need to speak with Cocytus, and I decided I should see his home", Filius lied.

The maid didn't say anything, she believed that if she said something she would offend her master's son.

The door to the 5th floor opened and they both walked in. The room was something else, everything was encased in ice or so it seemed. If inspected closely you would notice that the wall, the pillars were all made of never melting ice. They shined like gems, though it didn't take away the frost effect. Since everything was ice the room was cold and the frozen pits of  Niflheim. 

<Jotunheim is the land of ice in Norse Mythology, hint, it is where Thor fought the ice giants>

Filius continued walking, he then approached another door, as he took another step the door opened by itself revealing on the other side two maids that opened the door.

They quickly noticed that it was the young lord and bowed, "Welcome Lord Filius."

"Hello, please call Cocytus for me", as Filus said this a maid stood up and left to his request.

"Lord, do you want to wait for him in the waiting room?", Cocytus's maid asked.

"No, I'll be waiting in the fighting arena, let him know I'll be there", he said as he started walking to the fighting grounds.

"Young lord, what are we doing here?", the maid asked.

"You'll see", he said with a smirk.

After a while, the two maids returned with Cocytus, "Young. Lord. Why. Are. You. Here?"

"I came here to give you orders", Filus then proceeded to unsheathe his sword, "I order you to help me train in the art of combat like a true warrior." His sword was a beautiful katana, the level of the sword was maxed out since Momonga and HeroHero made it that way.

"Young. Lord. Are. You. Sure?", Cocytus asked in a worried tone.

"Cocytus, I wouldn't be asking you this if I wasn't sure", Filius then positioned himself in a typical kendo stance.

"But. lord?", he was then cut off.

"Come on Uncle Cocytus!", Filus teased. He remembered what Demiurge told him about Cocytus's uncle fantasy.

Cocytus went all cutie and nodded without hesitation, "Alright then young lord"

   Cocytus took out his own katana and held it in a samurai stance, "Question. Young lord. What. Is. It. That. You. Want. To. Learn?"

"I want to go over everything, every technique, and every style. You'll be the teacher here", Filus grinned. 

"Well. Let's. Get. A. Sparring. Match. To. See. Where. You. Are. At. In. The. Scale.", Cocytus said.

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