The Swords of Darkness & Fiance?

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"I'm sure you're wondering why we need your help", Peter spoke up, "Our current objective is to destroy all the monsters that have wandered too close to the city."

"You were hired to hunt monster?", Ainz asked the leader of the team. 

Peter shook his head, "Not really. It's actually an off-the-books expedition that we decided to take on by ourselves."

Ainz was confused a bit, "What does that mean?"

"We aren't exactly hired to do it but the guild will receive money from the city based on the strength of the monsters we defeat. We just have to collect our reward from the guild", Peter clarified to the confused Ainz.

Dyne was the next who spoke, "Its a dull, but necessary task for us adventurers."

"The job is pretty easy and we get to keep people safe, while also bringing home the tasty bacon", Lukrut stated. "It's totally a win-win situation for all parties involved."

"So you interested in joining us?", asked Peter as the three of us looked at him. "Our plan is to start clearing out the forest just south of the city and working our way north." He then looked at us, confident that we would join, "So? Whadaya say? The experience will help you rise above a copper plate."

Ainz nodded his head, "Sure we're happy to come along."

The swords of darkness team were all happy and laughing that a strong group would be joining them, Filius thought that the group might have been excited for having stronger recruits. 

"One thing. I should show you all my face since we will be working together", Ainz said as he grabbed his helmet, "I hope it's not a shock."

When Ainz said he would remove his mask Filius and Nabe were stunned thinking that he wanted to show his true appearance to the humans. Their shock subsided when they saw the illusion that Ainz had made in order to fool the team. 

"Oh, interesting. I've heard of a country south of here where a face like yours is common, but you're the first I've met in person", Peter stated. 

"He's older than I expected", Lukrut whispered to his friends, but it was still loud enough for Filius and the others to hear. 

"Don't be so rude", Ninya said.

"Killstag, you too", Ainz said as put on his helmet. Filius nodded and grabbed his ninja ask and exposed his face.

"Wow", everyone was shocked, The swords of darkness were at awe when they saw Filius's face

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"Wow", everyone was shocked, The swords of darkness were at awe when they saw Filius's face. He was a young man with long brown hair and a perfect jawline, he was the most handsome man they had ever seen. If they ever saw Filius in the street they could've mistaken him for a noble. 

Filius put back his mask and remained silent, he didn't care for how good he looked, to him,  what mattered most was his family and plans. 

"We've been hiding our faces since we came to town. Sometimes people have issues with foreigners. And I didn't want to stir up any trouble", Ainz stated. 

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