Return to E-Rantel

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After their talk they all decided to head back, they reunited with (The Swords of Darkness), then Nphirea came out and asked for help. He wanted to harvest some herbs from the forest near Carne Village. They chose to accompany him since they were already here. 

Currently, they were all in front of the forest, ready to enter. "We'll enter the forest through here. I'll be counting on you if anything attacks", Nphirea stated.

"As long as we have Mr. Momon with us, I don't think anything in there will have the guts", Peter joked.

But Nphirea wasn't joking, he then turned to Ainz, "Oh, yeah. One thing. If we happen upon the Wise King I'd like for you to scare him off instead of killing him."

Ainz and the other were curious, "Care to explain?", asked Ainz.

"This entire area is within the Wize King's territory. He's the reason monsters have never attempted to attack Carne Village before", Nphirea said, he then looked at everyone else, "If you kill him it could mean disaster."

"I'm pretty sure that's impossible, even for him", Peter joked, he still didn't understand how powerful Ainz really was. 

"I'll try", Ainz said. 

His words shocked (The Swords of Darkness), Lukrut turned to him, "You do realize this is a legendary creature we're talking about, right?", he exclaimed. 

Dyne smiled, "You must be confident in your strength to have that attitude." 

Ainz spoked once more, "Actually I have a suggestion if you don't mind."

"Please feel free to speak", Nphirea said.

"I suggest we should scout on ahead, and if we are to encounter anything we will be able to give you more time to escape if anything attacks", Ainz suggested.

"I'm fine with that", Nphirea agreed. "But, try to get back to the group as quickly as you can." 

Ainz nodded, "Of course."

Ainz, Filius, and Nabe, all entered the forest before the other did, after a while of walking and making sure that they weren't being followed, Ainz stopped,  "That's far enough. Now, why don't we talk about how to spread my great name?"

"Sounds good!", suddenly a figure jumped from out of the trees, Nabe was about to use her lighting magic, but she was stopped by Filius.  

"Careful, Naberal. That looked dangerous", Arua said in a friendly sarcastic tone. Obviously, her attack couldn't hurt a guardian of Arua's caliber. "Thank you so much young master", Arua said with a bow.

"Oh. Lady Arua! I'm sorry, you startled me", Nabe said, she then looked at Filius, "Thank you young...I mean...d-darling", she whispered. Arua and Ainz didn't hear the last part, Nabe then spoke once more, "How long were you here?"

"Since you and Lord Ainz entered the forest by yourselves", Arua stated.

Nabe was shocked, "I didn't sense your presence at all."

Arua snickered, "So, let me guess: I need to find this Wise King of the Forest and send him your way. A creature like that could be of use, right?"

"Correct", Ainz said, "Up to it?", he asked her.

Arua didn't hesitate, "Consider it done!", she then turned to her left, "I think I might know where it's making its nest."

Ainz was happy about this, "Excellent. I'm counting on you Arua."

Arua nodded and then left, she jumped from one tree to another, and then she was gone. 

Nabe looked at Ainz, "What are you planning to do, my lord?"

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