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The portal that Ainz had created opened up inside the main building of the fake Nazarick, one by one a group of terrifying creatures stepped out. 

Ainz was the first to walk out from the portal, just like always he had his legendary items, his magnificent black and purple robe along with the giant golden staff. 

Behind him was the beauty like no other, she had a feeling of a sexy intelligent older woman, her name was Albedo, a succubus and the woman who belonged to Ainz.

Behind her was a little girl or that would be what you'd think if you saw her for the first time, she was actually a dark elf with short spiky hair and colorful eyes, she was Aura Bella Fiora. 

Four to pass through the portal was another small girl, but unlike the dark elf, she had pale skin that resembled that of a corpse, she had beautiful grey silver hair that gave her a different charm and attractiveness, she was Shaltear Bloodfallen a true vampire. 

Next to come out of the portal was another dark elf, he was the same height as Aura but his appearance was different. He wore female clothing and unlike his sister's spiked hair, his hair was straight and short, he looked more like a girl than a boy. His name was Mare Bello Fiore servant of his master, Lord Ainz.

The creature behind Mare was Victim, a small fetus looking create with twig-like wings on its back, above its head was a halo which was usually worn by angels of Christian and Catholic mythology.

Behind her was a metallic creature, which looked like a cyborg, but was in fact a combination of both undead and cybernetic parts. He was the son of the great ruler Ainz Ooal Gown, Lord Filius prince of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The last person to walk out from the portal was a tall man with fangs and pointed ears, he wore an orange suit with matching trousers. He had spiky black hair and diamonds as eyes, he was Demiurge one of the Guardian's of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. 

Victim flew a bit away from the group before turning around and speaking to her master Ainz. "Very well, Lord Ainz, I will take my leave now", she said with a small bow

"Outstanding work. Keep the first floor of Nazarick safe until we return", Ainz ordered. 

"As you wish", Victim stated. 

Ainz looked to the area beside Victim and spoke for the portal to open, "Gate."

Victim flew in the portal and left the area returning back to the Great Tomb of Nazarick. 

Filius was the next to step away from the group, "I too shall take my leave father."  

"Hmm? Are you not going to stay and watch over the battle?", Ainz asked wondering if his son was;t interested in learning new war strategies.

"No, it's obvious who the winner will be, besides, I have asked Demiurge to make a script of how the battle went in detail", Filius said while looking at Demiurge. 

Demiurge gave a nod before returning to his straight posture, Filius looked back at his father and continued to speak, "Also Nabe has informed me that the guild leader of Adventurers guild in E-Rantel wanted to speak to us." 

"Ainzach? I wonder what he would want?", Ainz said with a hand under his chin pondering this new request. "Will you be able to handle it in my stead?", Ainz asked already knowing how capable his son truly was. 

"I will, I'll make sure to be on guard just as a precaution", Ainz nodded at his son's judgment. 

He looked at the area beside Filius and spoke the portal's name, "Gate."

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