The Raven Hero's Legend

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Just as he was about to turn around, Theo spoke to him, "Hey... before you leave. Let me ask you something?" Filius turned to look behind him, "Tell me... who are you?"

Filius stood there stunned, thankfully he was wearing his mask which hid his surprised expression, he quickly whispered an incantation, his hand had become an illusion while his real hand was grasping at two kunai's hidden in the back of his belt. 

"What do you mean?", Filius didn't know what to think, had this man discovered something about his true identity, or was he just asking questions to throw him off. Whatever his answer was, he would maybe have to do something extreme here. 

Theo's expression then changed and he palmed his face, "I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry for such a strange question. Let me rephrase that, what I wanted to know is who you are as in what's the story behind your travels to E-Rantel."

[So he's basically asking what we used to do before coming here, If I remember correctly, we never established a back story for us have we. This was as good time as any], Filius looked at the floor for a bit and sighed, he was putting up an act to make it more impactful.

"Our story isn't a fun one, it's full of blood and death", Filius turned to look at both of them. 

Theo signaled for Killstag to take a seat, from how his words, he felt like this story would be a heavy one to speak of.

"It all started with my father, a boy born with immeasurable talent, with the luck of the gods. But his beginnings weren't great, like most, my father was born to a poor home", Theo's and Ainzach's expressions were that of surprise, they didn't expect that a hero like Momon would come from poor origins like theirs. 

"My father had a dream... to become lord of his territory and protect it with his own skills and knowledge, growing up he never let his imagination waver. He worked harder than anyone else would, even when people told him he would never make it he pushed on. He went on many adventures and made comrades, he even found love. And after so long, he finally obtained what he wanted, he became lord of his home and governed it amazingly. Then I was born, a new life brought to this world thanks to the god of life and love", he said. 

Theo felt like the air suddenly turned thin Ainzach also felt it, Killstag clenched his fists, "Then they appeared."

 "Honyopenyoko, and her servants", Killstag growled as he called her name, Theo and Ainzach only heard of how Momon struggled to kill one vampire, but facing three at a time, they could only feel terror hearing this. 

"They came in and started destroying our nation, they destroyed the capital and then headed for our home", Killstag clenched his fist even harder, or that's how the two guild masters saw it. 

"They killed mothers, father, neighbors, elders, kids.....they killed my grandparents, my father couldn't protect them. Even though he amassed an army, even though he was with his strong comrades. They killed all of them in front of him, he only managed to kill one before they took him down, and on death's door, my mother sacrificed herself to save him. Using herself as a distraction she lured them away, buying my father just enough time to heal himself. But as he healed he witnessed the death of the woman he loved her screams echoing within his head as he saw her being ripped apart. My father lost everything he loved, in a rage, he attacked with everything he had, with nothing left to lose he struck down his enemies."

Theo and Ainzach were horrified, for a person to witness all his friends, his parents, his wife all being brutally murdered, no man could be fine from that. 

"He took down the last vampire servant and then Honyopenyoko, but before he could give the finishing blow, the servant vampire protected its master. This gave that bitch enough time for her to escape", Killstag turned away a bit with a heavy sigh.

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