Bitter sweet

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A/N : Faceless// Jaqen H'ghar

 is up for your reading pleasure


'Its bitter sweet to think about the damage they did but if im going to take them down. Im going to take them down with you.'

'Treason.' he smiled at her. 'Criminal' he teased, pulling her to him, kissing her.

'Im your favorite crime and you know it eddie.' She smirked. It had been over two moons since their arrival at the wall, the only one that knew of Neds true identity was Alfie Solomons. But Ned still thought it best to keep Sasha's true identity a secret.

Jon and Benjen were gone. They were tracking a wight attack, but something must have went wrong. They should have been back by now. but they had no idea where they were or when they would be back. Ned and sasha were going to wait but then news came from winterfell. Theon Greyjoy had betrayed Robb and taken winterfell for himself and the Greyjoys.

'Little shit.' Ned muttered when they got the raven.

'I met him.' Sasha remarked softly, it slipped from her lips unconsciously. Theon seemed like the typical teenage boy. But he had seemed to adore the starks, why betray them?

'I have to go to winterfell' ned told her. 'I have to save my sons.'

'I'm coming with you.' sasha informed him. 'we are in this together.'

So the next morning they took off, riding side by side but it seemed like they were always one step behind.

'what are you going to do when you get there?' sasha pondered as she made a fire, while ned skinned a rabbit sasha caught.

'I'm going to have a chat with theon. Then I'm going to beat him over the head.' Ned said calmly but his actions were vicious the rabbit taking the beating, his anger.

'Theon and Robb grew up together... what do you think his father said to make him do this?' sasha questioned carefully.

'offered him the keys to the kingdom.' Ned told her and sasha stared at him over the fire. 'not literally, not your kingdom my love.' Ned clarified. 'the Greyjoy fleets, his father disowned him but theon was always wanting his attention, his approval, even after he abandoned him. He probably told Theon if he took control of Winterfell, he would allow him back into the fold.' Ned said bitterly. 'all I did for that boy.' He muttered.

'perhaps when we get there he will see you are alive and he will... back down. See sense?' sasha suggested.

'I doubt it. But I'm going to try and end this will the least bloodshed possible.' Ned told her. 'I don't want Bran and Rickon to see me kill Theon, beat him to a bloody pulp. Gods I'm going to kill him.' Ned shouted as he threw down the rabbit before stomping away. sasha got up following after him. Sasha didn't have words. She followed him silently, he turned back to her. 'I'm sorry.' He told her. 'I should not have yelled.'

'you have every right to be mad, furious.' She told him. 'Scream, shout, punch, whatever you need. I'm not going anywhere.' She took a slow step towards him. 'you are allowed to feel how you feel.' This was just one of the million ways that sasha was better than Catelyn, she cared about his feeling and emotions, she understood that men were not mindless beings. They had feelings too. 'if he has even a fraction of the Greyjoy fleet with him... we don't stand a chance just the two of us.' Sasha reminded him.

'I know.' He said resting is head against her chest, she wound her fingers through his hair and he let out a deep sigh. She felt him relax under her touch

'I love you.' Ned told her as she wrapped her arms around him holding him close.

'I love you. Tell me what you need me to do?' sasha questioned. 'you want to scream?' she questioned he smiled down at her. 'lets scream.' A chuckle escaped his lips as she pulled his hand. 'I saw a boulder not to far before we stopped.' Sasha said pulling him farther away from the fire the only thing lighting their path was the moon and stars shining above them.

'what are you-' ned began.

'there it is.' Sasha said victorious. She climbed up offering him a hand once she was up. He gave her a puzzled look before taking her hand. 'alright, scream.' Sasha instructed.

'what?' he laughed.

'scream, you need height for a good scream.' Sasha informed him. 'this will help.'

'are you serious?' ned questioned.

'all the pain, all the tension and anger boiling up in you-'

'you do this often?' ned questioned holding onto her hand still.

'I used swimming to clear my head.' She informed him. 'diving deep under the water, it was like it washed away some of the pain. Other times I would stand of the tallest peak in the capital. In the dead of night and scream. It felt good.' Sasha told him. 'sometimes you just gotta let it out.' Ned smiled before pulling her to him, kissing her.

'you are something else, something extraordinary.' Ned told her, pressing another kiss to her lips. She blushed gripping his hand tighter.

'Ready, three.... two.... one...' they screamed out, scaring the birds in the trees, they saw the shadows and heard the rustling above them. they screamed out until they were out of breath. 'Feel better? Need to go again?' sasha questioned.

'I need you.' Ned told her. 'you make me feel better, you make me happy, you make me forget this world is so screwed up, you make we want to live....'

'you are worth living for too.' Sasha told him. 'even if I never get the crown. As long as I have you, I'm good, I'm great.' She informed him.

'jump?' ned questioned and sasha gave him a toothy smile. 'Three.... two...' he smiled over at her. 'one.' They jumped off the rock slipping on the snow, ned rolling on top of her.

'I told you this would help,' she said breathlessly as his lips peppered her face. He knew he should be in a tizzy, worrying about his sons but it was nice to breathe, to not feel that heavy weight on his chest and just smile, to be loved, and to love a woman that loved him truly, completely.

They moved back to the fire, huddling close arms wrapped around each other for extra warmth. Ned couldn't sleep while sasha slept, her head buried in his chest, her chest rising and falling evenly. Neds head filled with thoughts, everything catching up to him. That weight on his chest came back and he felt like he couldn't breathe. So he held tight to sasha, running his fingers gently through her hair, she wrapped her arm tighter around his waist, her leg draped over him. He counted her breaths, the rising and falling of her chest. Her fingers slowly curling around his shirt, combined, hair, breath, touch, it soothed him. He expelled a deep breath, closing his eyes he fell asleep to.

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