117. Always know what to say

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'How many people live here? In kings landing?

"A million perhaps.' Tyroin told him

"That's more people than in the entire north, why would anyone wanna live like that? cramped that way?' Jon asked

'There's more work in the city and brothels are far superior.' Tyrion told him.

'Letting the dragons roam free around the city will be a problem' Mormont said

'I always thought it was a funny joke an arena for children to play fight is now the most dangerous place on the earth.' Tyrion remarked as they made their way to Cersei.

'I think it still is'

'Welcome lords and ladies, your friends arrived before you,' he pointed the Brienne of tarth, representative from Winterfell. 'Ive been sent to bring you all to the meeting.' Bronn said, the Dothraki men went ahead.

'Pleasant surprise and an unpleasant situation' tyrion told Podrick

'It's nice to see you my Lord.' Podrick said

"I see you are supporting the enemy though' Tyrion joked.

'I am glad you are alive' podrick told him.

'Come on you can suck his magic cock later.' Bronn told him

'What's in there?' one of the guards asked Sandor as he stood closest to the cage.

'Don't fucking touch it!' sandor snapped.

'I thought you were dead' brienne of tarth said to sandor.

'Not yet you came pretty close though.' He told her not looking at her,

'I was only trying to protect her.' Brienne said looking to sandor he seemed more broken than previously somehow.

'You and me both'

'She is alive, Arya.' Brienne corrected

'Where?' sandor questioned


'Whoes protecting her if your here?'

'The only one that needs protecting is the one that gets in her way.' Brienne corrected.

'It won't be me' Sandor told her as he marched away from Brienne.


Ned and sasha stayed on the ships. Much to tyrions requested. They had done a good job of staying hidden but if cersei saw either of them. they would be killed on sight. So they stayed staring out over the waves as their ships anchor held tight to the ground.

'you know I always said I wasn't going to be back here until I was getting my crown.' Sasha recalled.

'you will.' Ned assured her, he wrapped his arms around her waist as she watched the waves roll in.

'I don't think cersei is going to agree to this.' Sasha said and her voice drifted over the water.

'No?' ned questioned, leaning his chin on her shoulder.

'No. cersei will think it a trap and refuse. Or she will agree only to stab us in the back. Its what she does.' Sasha told him.

'perhaps she will stab Daenerys in the back and solve one problem for us.' Ned suggested and sasha chuckled leaning back into him. 'then the dothraki and unsullied can skill cersei and there you have it. Rightful queen steps forward.' Ned said kissing her cheek.

'you always know exactly what to say.' Sasha told him.

'its funny, I always thought I said all the wrong things until I met you.' Ned told her. 

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