100. You bastards

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'King of the north!" sasha exclaimed when jon came into her room. 'I would curtsey but I haven't worn a dress in ages.' Sasha teased. 'I think we need to get you a crown.... whats wrong?' But the smile was wiped off her face.

'I recieved a note from the targaryan queen.' Jon told sasha cautiously one morning. Sasha looked up from her boots leaving her laces untyed at her feet.

'what does she want?'

'She says she wants to meet.' Jon told her

'Of coruse she does... I'm coming with.' Sasha added quickly.

'I don't think that is a good idea, Sasha.' Jon told her as ned walked in .

'whats not a good idea?' he questioned.

'the Targaryen wants to meet with jon.' Sasha relayed.

'the Targaryen...' ned repeated slowly looking to sasha but her face was calm.

'I'm going with.' Sasha told him.

'I say no.' jon repeated.

'I don't care Jon, you can be king of the north but right now we have a Boy king under cerseis manipulative control and a mad kings daughter.... if she wants to be queen then she has two others to go up against. I need to see what she has, what her forces are if I'm ever going to win in this stupid game of thrones!' sasha pleaded.

'I will go with as well.' Ned said.

'I don't think it's a good-'

'she doesn't know what either of us look like. Jon, I need to do this.' Sasha told him. 'I'm not asking for permission.' Sasha reminded him. 'but I would like your blessing.' Jon looked between them. ned wrapped a hand around sashas waist.

'Fine.' Jon gave in.

'wonderful but I must make it very clear that under no circumstances will she find out who I am.' Sasha informed him.

'who will you be then?'

'Sarah Snow. A bastard from the north you quickly befriended when taking back winterfell from the boltons.' Sasha said confidently.

'sarah snow.' Jon repeated.

'eddie snow.' Ned repeated. 'same story. Keep it simple.'

'eddie and sarah snow. You bastards.' Jon teased.

'lets go meet the dragon bitch.' Sasha said a mischevious grin on her face. 

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