122. Felt like home

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They arrived at Winterfell as united front Daenerys and Jon Snow riding side by side Jon wearing all black and Daenerys was an all white everyone stood tall and proudly for the king of the north and the que- barf. Sasha rode hood held high in back by sandor and ned.

Sandor wish rode in tall and large and arya noticed him she saw the man she left to die, alive and well and with her brother and the dragon queen. Arya was shocked to see him, but he didn't notice her. she was even more shocked to see... her father? No it couldn't be. She got closer looking him over, hood high over his head and Sasha. It couldn't be. She saw her father beheaded and heard from the road that the princess had been killed as well. But sashas laughed echoed out and her head tipped back, her hood slipping from her head and as clear as day that woman was Sasha Baratheon. Arya pushed past the townspeople trying to get to the front but they were gone by the time arya reached the street.

'I warned you northerners don't trust outsiders' Jon told Dany, as the rode everyone gave her skeptical looks but the moment her dragons roared overhead terrifying the people Daenerys smirked those were her babies. She was their queen. They would fear her first, then they would respect her.

Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon got there he hugged and kissed his head.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall.

'Almost,' bran told him

'Where is arya?'

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging him as well

'Sansa, this is Queen Daenerys Targaryen.' Jon introduced.

'you are just as beautiful as your brother said lady sansa.' Dany told her. sansa looked past them to find her father and sansa. Sasha was a queen sansa would follow not this woman but dany stared her down waiting anxiously. Jon gave his sister a nudge.

'the north is yours... your grace.' Sansa said through clenched teeth then she saw sasha and her father she pushed past jon and dany hugging them tight. Dany followed her with her eyes skeptically until Bran spoke up catching her attention.

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'

'youre back.' Sansa said hugging I'm close. 'I was so worried.' She turned to sasha as jon and Dany moved inside. 'I'm sorry. I didn't not want to-'

'its alright.' Sasha said immediately. 'we need her dragons. She is a means to an end.' Sasha reminded her. 'we play nice and play our part. Then we get rid of her.' sasha informed her. a wicked smile crossed sansa's face as she hooked her arm with sashas.

'is that ned stark?'

'ned stark lost his head you idiot.'

'keep that hood up eddie.' Sasha said pulling on his hood.

'you too Sarah. These people know you as well.' Ned said. Sansa looked between them, she didn't know about their, relationship. Then arya came barreling into them. 'ARYA!" ned declared.

'Father!" she exclaimed 'I saw you die.' She whimpered.

'no my dear, I'm right here.' Ned told her kissing her head. Arya looked to sasha.

'I knew you weren't dead.' Arya told her. hugging her next.

'you knew did you?' sasha teased.

'you were too smart, too skilled.' Arya informed her. 'to die at the hands of a Lannister.'

'I couldn't agree more.' Sasha said wrapping an arm around sansa and aryas shoulder. 'it feels good to be back.' Sasha said walking in confidently. It felt like home. 

Rightfully Mine // Ned Starkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن