95. Witch

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That night while reading messages as his desk Olly came running in. jon looked up from his work, expecting it to be sasha or his father they still weren't back yet.

'Lord Commander it's one of the wildlings you brought back he says your uncle BenJen is still alive.' Olly said and Jon stood up quickly

'Are you sure he's talking about Ranger Benjen?' jon questioned

'He said he was first ranger, he said he knows where to find him.' Olly he said and Jon rushed past him heading down the steps

'The lad said he saw your uncle the last full moon.' thorne told him 'could be lying there are ways to find out.'

'Where is he?' Jon questioned

'Over there.' Jon look to a circle of men of the nights watch he made his way to the middle. Only to see a grave for Jon Snow his name painted in the wood he turned back around but Thorne stabbed him

'For the watch.' he said one by one the men came up stabbing Jon.

'For the watch,' they spoke in his ear stab after stab Jon tried his best to stay upright as pain seeped through him but he fell to his knees before his tormentors Olly stepped forward. He was nervous and scared Jon looked him pleadingly gasping for breath.

'Olly...' he pleaded olly took a sharp breath before he stabbed Jon in the heart.

'For the watch.' Olly said and the light drained from Jon's eyes as he crumbled back into the snow. His blood tainting the white snow red.

They walked through the gates freah catches in their hands, smiles on their faces only to her the moan of pain and crips clear voices echoing in the night.

'For the watch.'

'For the watch.'

'whats going-' sasha began but they closer to see jon being stabbed.

'No!' ned roared as the men of the watch stabbed jon. He collasped to the ground. Ned held his dying body. 'Im so sorry. Im so sorry.' ned murmured. Sasha grabbed her blade pointing it at the men but davvos pulled her back.

'we will get him back.' Davvos told her. Ghosts howl echoed in the night as if sensing his masters death.


'what do you mean we will get him back?' sasha said through sobs.

'Melisandre.' He told her. 'she can do it. She can bring him back.' But the longer jon stayed dead, the more davos thought he was wrong. Davos went to Melisandre and asked if there's any magic she knows of that can resurrect Jon. Melisandre looked at Jon's body and claimed that she had seen a vision of him fighting at Winterfell, though Davos became adamant that Jon was gone for good. But begged her to try.

The red woman began the ritual. Sasha bit at her nails as the red woman took her time cleansing jons body. Her heel bouncing off the floor, nervously as they waited. Ned wrapped his arms around her and she relaxed at his touch.

'Im sorry.' she murmured leaning into him. He pressed a slow kiss to her cheek before looking back at the red woman.

Melisandre performed a ritual with Jon's body: cleaning his wounds, cutting some of his hair, trimming his beard, and burning it in the fire, all while chanting in High Valyrian.

The red woman cleaned John's wounds delicately and gently with lots of care dragging the cloth across his body. Sasha held tight to neds hand as they watched unsure of what was to happen. the red woman started chanting a prayer cutting a piece of Jon's hair and throwing it into the fire. Sasha and Ned watched silently as she worked she kept praying as she poured water over his hair it's soaked down to the floor that she ran her hands through his hair.

Sasha felt like she couldn't breathe as she watched and waited for a miracle to happen from a God she did not believe in. The red woman put her hands on Jon's chest continuing her prayer she pulled her hands away nothing happened she put them back down on his chest repeating the prayer again. Again and again she said the prayer moving your hands and putting them back on 5 times, 6 times 7 times, she kept going uselessly.

'Please' she murmured but Jon still did not move. Her attempts seemed to be in vain. She dragged her hands away from his body giving up everyone stared at Jon still speechless. Tormund scoffed turning away storming out. One by one they left Jon alone, all except Sasha and Ned. they were looking at his handsome face Sasha ran a gentle finger down his cheek before she moved to ghost he whined looking to Jon.

'I know sweetie I'm sorry.' Sasha said kneeling before a ghost she pet between his ears looking back to Ned. Ned opened his mouth to speak but a gasp escaped Jon's lips.

'JON!' sasha exclaimed as ned hugged him tight. 'Youre... youre... oh my God.' Ned helped him off the table as ghost greeted him, licking at his legs.

'Princess.' Jon said hugging her.

'oh no he must have lost a few brain cells while dying.' Sasha teased. 'it is queen.' She corrected teasingly.

'you have a coronation while I was dead?' jon joked.

'I'm very glad you are not dead.' Sasha told him.

'how did you bring me back?' jon questioned.

'the red woman.' Ned told him.

'I have to admit I didn't like her but I think I do now.' sasha admitted. 'I don't know how resurrection works, are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired? Cold? Probably cold. I will get you some clothes.' Sasha said heading out.

'she is already acting like a mother.' Jon noted with a grin. He had never had a mother and ned thought jon might ask about his true mother but he didn't. jon's eyes followed sasha out.

'she cares deeply for you.' Ned told him.

'even before you and her got together. She was kind to me.' jon remarked.

'okay,' sasha said reemerging with her arms full. 'clothes. Food. Water. And the witch.' Sasha said as the red woman followed her in.

'he is alive.' She whispered.

'I didn't lie.' Sasha told her defensively. 'why on earth would I lie about that?' sasha questioned helping jon into his shirt.

'thank you sasha.' Jon whispered. She pulled his hair free of the shirt collar, her hands resting on his shoulders. She hugged him again before the red woman requested the room.

'I like your family better than mine.' Sasha told ned.

'funny, I think my family likes you better than me.' ned informed her, pulling her to him. Kissing her deeply. 

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