Not a lie

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'Are you alright?' sasha asked after the tournament. Sandor turned to her.

'I'm alright Princess.' He assured her.

'He almost got your head.' Sasha remarked softly touching his head.

'I'm alright Princess.' Sandor repeated.

'You were very brave.' Sasha told him. He just looked up to her. 'I'm glad you are alright. You had me worried.' He just looked up to her, watching her every move as she stood so close to him. 'I don't know what I would do without you Sandor... you might be one of my only friends.' He opened his mouth. 'and no, that was not a lie.' She informed him, a half smile on his face. 'Well thank the Gods you didn't lose your head. What on earth would I do with a hound helmet!' She teased, kissing his cheek before heading out.

'Does ser hugh Have any family in the capital'

'No.' Ser Barriston said as ser hugh was sewn back together after a joust went through his neck at the tournament 'I gave a vigil to him last night he had no one else.'

'He never wore this helmet before.' Ned noted

'Bad luck for him going against the Mountain.'

'Who determines the draw?' Ned questioned

'All the knights draw straws.' Barriston told him.

'Who holds the straws? You've done good work sisters,' ned said as they cleaned up the dead knight.

'Life is strange not so many years ago we fought as enemies at the trident.' Barriston remarked.

'I'm glad we never met on the field Ser barriston.' Ned remarked.

'You are too modest I've seen you cut down a dozen red knights.' Barriston informed him.

'My father once told me you were the best he's ever seen. I never knew the man to be wrong about matters of combat.' Ned told him

'He was a fine man, your father... bad business with the mad king though it was a terrible crime.'

'That knight was a squire up until a few months ago... how can you afford a suit of armor?' Ned questioned as they walked.

'Perhaps his Lord had left him some money? I heard that the king wants to joust today.' Barriston remarked and a laugh could be heard coming up behind them.

'That will never happen.' Ned remarked turning to see sasha.

'My father? Joust? Ha! You make me laugh.' Sasha said happily clinging to ned, he wrapped an arm around her. it was almost like he could pretend this was real. This thing, this flirting they were doing. Completely harmless it seemed but it was slowly killing him.

'The king tends to do what he wants.'

'that's why he has me, to stop him from doing stupid things like that.' sasha informed them.

'If the king got what he wanted all the time wewould still be fighting a rebellion.' Ned told him

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now