Kill some CROWS

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'100,000 you say?'

'Yes sir.' Jon answered

'You can say it if you like we should've sealed the tunnel while we had the chance like you suggested.' Thonre told him, clearly annoyed that jon was right.

'Yes. You should have.' Sasha spat, ned pulled her back.

'It was a difficult decision either way sir.' Jon told him, but he grinned back at sasha.

'Do you know what leadership means Lord snow? it means that the person in charge gets second guessed by every little twat with a mouth whether he starts season guessing himself... that is the end for me, for the clever little twats, for everyone this is not the end not for us.' Thorne told him and sasha snorted out a laugh. Her hand flew to her lips.

'that was... a commander that listens to his people is not weak. It makes them a good leader, they don't have to take every advice given but only trusting yourself your gut... that,' sasha told him. 'that is how you get everyone killed.' Thrones hoped this woman died today. She getting on his very last nerve.

'But we will survive,' thorne said through clenched teeth. This woman was like a cockroach. Kept coming back with more and more vengeance. 'Not if do your duty for as long it takes to beat them back. And then you and you,' he turned back to sasha. ' can go on hating me. And I get to go on wishing your Wildling whore finished the job.'

'I'm an excellent multitasker.' Sasha informed him sweetly. 'I can hate you while I kill them.'


'Let's kill some crows!' the wildlings called they were outside the wall now the horns blew the drum sounded war was upon them Jon, Sasha and Ned had to hope that they had trained their men well enough. Because it was too late to second guess themselves now.

'We're screwed.' Sasha told them bluntly 'severely and utterly screwed.' she looked back to Ned and Jon 'it was nice knowing you boys.'

'Great peptalk.' Jon informed her.

'Archers get ready everyone else hold!' thorne shouted from the top of the wall as the wildlings ran closer and closer, it was 1000 to 1. A barrel was dropped it fell down to the depths below the archers drew getting ready well.

Does get ready and hold mean to draw?' thorne shouted at them.

'No commander.' they answered

'Then why the fuck are you all drawing?' he screamed at them. 'Do you plan to die here tonight?'

'No sir.' they echoed

'I mean its not the plan but-' sasha began and ned pulled her back to him keeping her quiet.

'That's good to hear now draw!' the archers got ready burning arrows were shot into the wildlings below as they charge the wall but the wildlings were skilled shooting right back. As they attacked the southern gate.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя