93. Eulogy

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'Goodbye you fericously beautiful woman,' sam said hugging sasha goodbye

'Goodbye you teady bear.' sasha said laughing. 'Where are you going?'

'Sam asked for leave to take Gilly and her baby with him to Oldtown,' jon told her.

'oldtown?' sasha questioned.

'where he will train to become a maester.' Jon informed her.

'oh that's wonderful Sam!' sasha told him before running off to hug baby sam goodbye.

But with all sad goodbyes there were happy endings...


Melisandre, who abandoned Stannis when it became apparent he would lose the Battle of Winterfell came back to the wall. When Davos questioned her about Stannis and Shireen, she said nothing just let her sorrow manifest, all but confirming the demise of his king

Brienne of tarth killed stannis and fulfills her sworn oath of avenging the death of renly Baratheon on Stannis' way back from Winterfell. They raven was received a few days later confirming the death.

'Its going to be a quick one since no one is greiving.' Sasha began and jon looked over to her, she handed him the letter. 'I didn't write a eulogy but I wore my best dress,' she teased. 'wouldnt it be beautiful standing at his funeral... '


'Stannis.' Sasha confirmed a grin on her lips. Kings were dropping like flies, perhaps a queen stood a chance. 

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