115. My Queen

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Then fire rained down from the sky. Daenerys. The mother of dragons had arrived. She gave them a circle of protection with the fire, her dragons killing walkers around them. She offered jon a hand but he needed to kill more of them. They were not stopping.

The night king approached as the rest of the men got on the dragon. They took their captive white walker pulling him up as well. Sandor held out a hand to sasha but she didn't want to get on a dragon. Didn't want to be saved by HER.

'Save your pride girl.' Sandor grumbled pulling her up.

The night king readied his spear and launched it at one of the dragons, the dragon collapsed to the ground disappearing in the water. Dany watched her child fall. Her other two dragons screaming out for their brother.

'we need jon!' ned declared as they took off. He looked down they were already high in the air.

'I wont turn around. He took one of my children, he wont take another.' Dany informed them. ned searched before for Jon but soon they were in the clouds. He kept a tight hold of the dragon while sandor held tight to Sasha. Sasha couldn't even enjoy the moment. She was to upset. At losing jon. At losing against the white walkers. That they needed to be saved by her. HER. of all people.

Dany dropped them off at the wall, they were to head to kings landing next. But Dany needed a moment to grieve the loss of her dragon, her child. But shouts for help were soon hear from the wall. Jon was riding a horse, well slung over the horse's back, he didn't look conscious.

Jons clothing was peeled from his body. Crunching and breaking as the frozen clothing was removed.

'Im sorry' jon said when he woke up 'im so sorry-' he told dany

'The dragons are my children the only children I will ever have. we are going to destroy the night king and his army, we will do it together do you have my word.' Dany told him

'I'm sorry Dany, still.' Jon told her.

'the last person to call me dany was my brother perhaps a different nickname.' She suggested.

'how about my queen?' sashas heart plummeted. The door closed silently, she wanted to check on jon but hearing his declaration, daenerys the mad queen his queen. Sasha felt broken. When this was all over even if she was the last rightful heir standing... she would never be queen. No one was going to follow her.

'hey...' ned said coming up to the door. 'jon in there?' sasha nodded not able to speak. 'is he alright?' she nodded again before leaving quickly she ran straight into sandor.

'princess.' He whispered and she clung to him sobbing. 'oh... shit what happened?' sandor questioned bringing his hands around her. ned peaked in seeing jon and danaerys kissing and knew jon must have sworn loyaty to her. he ran to find sasha and saw her sobbing into the hound. 

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ