120. Stark Men

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'good job Tyrion.' Sasha said as they got back on the boat. 'I knew you could do it. Not a doubt in my mind.'

'there were plenty of doubts. I can read you like a book.' Tyrion told her.

'that so?' sasha teased.

'yes.' He said confidently. All the women he was falling for fell in love with Stark men. Who would have thought?

'go on then.' Sasha said sitting down on a barrel as they set sail again.

'you doubted me but ned comforted you.' Tyrion told her. she smirked over at him. 'you thought cersei would be unreasonable, which she was and that there was no way she wouldn't stab us all in the back.'

'am I that obvious?' sasha questioned with a laugh.

'you think like me.' Tyrion told her. 'but somehow I managed it.'

'I'm proud of you Tyrion. When this is over.... I want you on my council.' She whispered.


'I know I know.' She said softly. 'but you bet on yourself and it worked out. I'm going to bet on me, my plans and my vision for a better future for everyone.'

'I wish you the best of luck.'

'I know you are loyal to her now. but I want you to know that when the times comes, I still want you at my side... as long as you don't do anything too ridiculous.' Sasha added with a smile. He grabbed her hand in his, bringing it to his lips.

'you would make a wonderful queen.' He whispered. But he didn't see that happening. Not in this lifetime. She smiled at him before jumping down and moving swiftly to sandor.

'was your brother there?' sasha questioned.

'aye.' He answered gruffly.


'and what?' he questioned turning to her.

'you told me once you were going to kill him.'

'aye.' He agreed.

'I hear hes not a man, hes a monster now.' sasha told him,.

'better reason to put the fucker down.' Sandor told her.

'promise me when the time comes you wont do it alone.' Sasha told him.

'I need to kill him Princess.' He whispered leading her away. 'I need to, it's the only way I will ever move on.'

'alright... I get that but not alone. Please.' Sasha begged. He kissed her cheek before leaving her, heading to the lower deck. 'I just don't want my only friend to die!' she called down to him. 

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt