85. Guard the door

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'100 generations have defended this castle we have never fallen before she will not fall tonight we will defend the walls! They eat the flesh of the men they kill do you want to fill the belly of them tonight?' Thorne rallied his men.

'No!' they echoed

'No so I promise you that the night of the black will stand, the nights watch will stand.' they cheered in agreement with thorne. 'Now!' he declared as the wildlings broke through the gate. It was a bloodbath

'They are in.' Sasha told Ned 'I have to go down there and help them.'

'No you should-' but Sasha was already taking off Ned followed after her. 'Jon we're going down.' Ned told him, in the real battle has begun slashing down Wildlings left and right but The men of the nights watch were falling quickly.

'Hold the fucking gate!' commander thorne yelled.


'We guard the door.'

'Jon is not the commander.'

'We guard the door.' the giant broke through the gate. 'My nights watch begins I shall take no wife I should take no lands,' he started saying the night watch vow as the giant got closer. 'I will father no children I shall wear no crowns win no glory I shall live and die by the old and the sword of darkness,' all the nights watch men sent to the gate started repeating the vows. The giant still ran ahead, charging at them. 'I am the watch beyond the wall I am the shield I will die for the likes of men. I will risk my life for the nights watch from this day and all the nights to come!' the men declared as the giant broke down the door into them.


Jon joined the fight only to see Ygritte pointing her bow at him with an arrow drawn. But jons doesn't panic, instead he offers her a smile. Arrow still drawn she hesitated. But before either could say anything, Ygritte was shot through the heart by Olly, the orphan child. Sasha was proud of the boy but the she saw jon holding the woman olly had shot in his arms.

'We should have never left the cave,' jon told her, sasha killed a wildling charging at jon.

'have a funeral for her later Jon.' Sasha instructed. 'they are still coming.' He nodded leaving her body on the ground. He felt like he failed her. the only woman he loved had been killed because of him.


'Drop the side boys!' one of the commanders declared they smashed down the anchor swinging across the wall killing the wildlings that were climbing, limb hung without bodies, blood oozed across the wall. 'hoist her up.' he declared

'Hoist her up.' they echoed hoisting up the anchor

'They have had enough for one night.' The commander said, they started to cheer but he wasn't excited. 'Don't cheer too loud.' he told them 'they still outnumber us 1000 to one.'

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