Venomous lies

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An arm draped lazily over Sasha hips, fingers barely grazing the grass beneath them. Steady breaths struck the nape of her neck, flooding Sasha with warmth. She turned over, looking to ned, still blissfully asleep. The closer they got to the wall the colder it became. But still they feared staying at Inns. The news of Eddard Starks death had spread and Sasha didn't want any of the Lannister spies, or soldiers, varys or petyrs either finding them.

So during the days, the early mornings sasha and ned would hunt, they would cook and scavenge and before long they would be riding side by side. Alone in the woods they could forget the world was on fire around them.

They could smile and laugh and joke happily, then at night they would make a fire, wrapped up in each others arms, nothing but sweet dreams among the madness.

They kissed, a mutual meeting of lips and hearts and minds, tender and passionate at once, before mounting their horses and setting off for another days journey.

It had been a moon but they were still over a moons ride out, they stayed off main trails sticking to the woods trying to stay out of sight. Because even though they were freer than they were at kings landing, the lannisters grasp held much sway, their reach was far and wide.


Ned's lips hit hers, hot and full of hunger, as if he'd been deprived of her touch. Sasha could feel the hard and rough tree trunk scraping against her back as he pushed her against the tree. Sasha could hear the soft moans and heavy breathing and he stared deeply into her eyes. But their moment of happiness in a world filled with madness interrupted pulling them apart. Talk about sexual tension building and building for the past year since they had met. Still never able to get there, something stopping what they both craved from each other, so desperately.

The jingle of coin being pulled from their saddle pulled sasha away. she pulled the knife from her boot taking quick stealth strides towards the thief. Men are foolish, predictable creatures. This one was no different.

'Drop it, or I slit your throat.' Sasha warned.

"You're bluffing."

"I'd think twice about questioning the woman holding a knife to your throat." Sasha snapped, pressing it deeper to his throat.

'Alright, alright.' He handed her back her pouch. She snatched it from him.

'Whats your business out here?' ned questioned cautiously.

'Whats YOUR business!' he countered.

'Knife. Throat. Dead.' Sasha reminded him, tossing the coin pouch to ned.

'Whats your business here?' ned questioned again.

'you make your little whore do all the work while you sit on your ass feasting away! is that it?' the man questioned and sasha dug her knife a little deeper, drawing blood. It trickled down his neck. 'alright, alright!' hands in the air he tried not to breath as the blade pushed into him. 'I was looking for someone...' he said vaguely.

'who?' sasha snapped.

'a woman.' He told her defensively. 'I was sent to kill her but no one can find her.' he said harshly as sasha pat him down, pulling away his blades, tossing them aside.

'WHO!" she demanded.

'The princess.' He said breathlessly. 'the princess, Sasha Baratheon.'

'Why do you want her?' ned questioned cautiously.

'The queen, she wants the bitch dead. Said she committed treason against the king. I'm just following orders.' The man pleaded.

'How many of you are there?' ned questioned.

'I don't know man, a lot! Its whoever gets her first, gets paid!' he informed them, his eyes darting looking for an escape. 'she sent soldiers and people like me... anyone to have brought to justice!'

'You trust the queen? That this sasha... the princess committed treason?' sasha questioned.

'I don't need to believe it, I just want the coin for killing her.' the man informed them. sasha sucked in a sharp breath. 'let me go. I'm sorry I took your coin, alright? I'm sorry.' He begged but sasha knew she couldn't let him live. She glanced to ned and he gave her a single nod before she slit his throat he gurgled out as he collapsed to the ground.

Sasha needed to draw breath, but a heavy weight settled atop her chest. Cersei sent assassins after her. Cersei sent men of all sorts of skill or lack of skill to come after her. to keep her from coming back to kings landing and collecting the crown that was rightfully hers.

The knife slipped from her fingers as a sob escaped her lips, ned rant o her hugging her tight.

'Youre not safe with me.' sasha told him. 'you should go, I don't want you getting killed because of me. everyone thinks you are dead, if they find out you are not... I don't want to put that on you. You have children that need you to stay alive!'

'no, we stay together, remember? We protect each other. Til the end.' Ned told her holding her close.

'I knew she hated me. but to send people to kill me... take me off the board permanently...' sasha buried her face in neds chest.

'We stay together, we are better together, strong together. We will get you back to kings landing and take the Lannisters down. I wont let you die.' Ned told her and she looked up at him. 'you saved me, let me return the favor.' She nodded as he wiped her cheeks before kissing her forehead, keeping a gentle hand stroking her cheek.

'We have to get to the wall and hope she hasn't infiltrated the men of the nights watch with her venomous lies.' Sasha informed him. 

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