98. Tomorrow

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with the wildlings allegiance, their army was looking good, strong. Sasha was confident as they prepared to set out.

'Lyanna Mormont has agreed to give us... this cant be right.' Sasha said looking up from the note.

'it is.' Jon told her.

'sixty-two men,' ned read over sashas shoulder.

'the remaining force of House Mormont, promising that each will fight with the worth of ten men.' Sasha grinded her teeth before dropping the report down on jons desk. 'better than nothing. I suppose.' Sasha said.

'alright now onto the ramsey situation...' jon said thinking through their plans.

'ramsey is a prick but he likes power, showing the people that he is on top.... Perhaps we can settle this one on one, if he is willig to fight, you could take him. I certainly could but he wouldn't agree to fight me.' sasha informed him. 'but that would save a lot of trouble, we wouldn't have to dela with the Bolton army... but I don't think him brave enough. He is more likely to hide behind his men and let them win the war for him.'

'you knew ramsey?' sansa questioned.

'I met him twice... apparently his temper and blood lust has gotten worse over the years.' Sasha told her.

'did you ever joust against him?' jon questioned.

'he was a cheat.' Sasha told them looking around the room. 'don't expect him to play fair. He likes to win. He doesn't care about how he wins just that he does.'

'what did he do to you?' sansa questioned.

'gave me a broken bow. We were doing a little competition.' Sasha informed them. 'I pulled the bow back and it snapped right off in my face. Nearly took my eye out. Father was furious. Ramsey laughed.'

'how old were you?' sansa questioned.

'13.' Sasha answered. 'so if given the chance I would love to show him what I can do with a real bow.'

'lets not give him the chance to cheat. To trick us. We stay on top of them. we don't give them the chance to screw us over.' Jon told them.


Ramsay, Smalljon Umber, and Harald Karstarkmeet with Jon, Sansa, Ned, Sasha, Tormund, Davos, and Lyanna Mormont joined together at the battlefield the day before the battle. Jon offered Ramsay a chance to settle their dispute with a one on one combat but Ramsay refused.

'look at my army Snow. Look at yours.' Ramsey told him. 'why would I fight you when I know with almost complete certainty that you will lose... but if you surrender, I will pardon you, Jon for breaking your Night's Watch vows, as long as you hand Sansa over to me. she is my wife afterall.' Ramsey sneered.

'I want proof that Rickon is alive.' Sansa demanded. Ramsey nodded and one of his men brought forhead the severed head of Rickons direwolf, Shaggydog.

'We refuse your offer of surrender.' Sasha informed him calmy. 'you can fight Snow or myself and get this over this....' sasha reminded him.

'Princess... I almost didn't recognize you... my you have aged nicely. The word of your death was greatly exaggerated. Look at you.' Ramsey said looking her over.

'look at me.' sasha repeated through gritted teeth. 'and look at you. Still a small man climbing on everyone elses rotting corpses, rigging the game to better suit you.'

'Perhaps when this is done-' ramsey began.

'when this is done you will be dead.' Sasha told him.

'you are going to die, Ramsey. Tomorrow.' Sansa informed him storming off. 

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