Use me

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Sasha got cozy with the stark girls. She figured the best way to get closer to Ned west to get closer to his girls. If they loved her then one day they might let her in. They might not hate the idea... But Catelyn was in good health. She was a wreck at the thought of losing her son but she was in good health otherwise. Sasha knew the thoughts playing through her head were irrational and inappropriate but still she thought them she pictured her life. Life with her on the throne and Ned at her side. She considered this fantasy world she created in her head. And she knew it was ridiculous, she knew all the thoughts spinning through her head were absolutely ridiculous but she thought them all the same.

She knew her father would never approve. Ned was his best friend. Even if Ned wasn't married, his best friend marrying his daughter or having an affair of any kind that would be ludicrous. But still she got closer and closer letting their hands graze or legs brush up against the other. She was a princess. She was the princess she should be able to have anything she wanted anyone she wanted but of course she had to fall for the one honest and loyal man in all the seven kingdoms.


'Princess' She stopped mid step and turned to him. 'Yes princess?' She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. 'Princess?' Again she opened and closed her mouth the words not coming. 'You feeling alright?' He questioned looking her up and down. Finally she sat next to him with a huff.

'Remember that man i was telling you about?'

'Aye I remember you not telling me anything about him,' sandor reminded him. She smacked her lips together thinking. 'You still smitten with him?' She nodded. 'You still cant tell me who he is?' Again she nodded

'I feel like im looking in the wrong place for something right,' sasha told him.

'What do you mean?'

'How do you know if a person truly likes you or if they are just being friendly?' She asked and sandor gave her a pointed look.

'You really asking me that?'

'I suppose youre not very helpful than,' she informed him with a chuckle.

'Not my fault youre the only one i tolerate.' Sandor told her

'Tolerate?' She questioned 'wow thank you thank you hound tell me how you really feel.' She teased.

'Princess' he chuckled. 'Everyone loves you. Because whats not to love?' he informed her.

'I enjoy our talks.' Sasha said standing up

'Where you going? You use me for my sweet words and leave me?' He questioned incredulously.

'Yep. Totally and completely. I dont want you for your body hound just your words.' She kissed his cheek before walking away.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora