Decisions (requested)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, so you got jokes?" he asked, making her laugh.

"Always. Now are you going to tell me what that little fight was really about.. or do I have to ask Jason?" she asked him. His smile fell when she brought up his name and he looked at the microwave as he spoke.

"You make it so hard to be friends with you." he said. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed and she frowned as she looked at the side of Justin's face.

"I do? How?" she asked, confusion and a slight feeling of hurt taking over her body. He turned around and met her gaze again before he spoke.

"It's just.. hard to be this close to you and not touch you. Fighting the urge to want to grab your waist and kiss your lips... it's just hard." Justin said, admitting something to y/n that he didn't think he'd ever say to her, at least not today. Y/n couldn't really believe her ears. She's never gotten the vibe that Justin was so attracted to her and she was wondering if it was just physical or something more.

"How long has you been fighting these feelings?" she asked, placing her hands in her back pockets. Justin couldn't help but to notice how okay she looked with what he just said and how open and ready her body was for him to pull it into his. He turned around to face her and only left a few inches between them.

"Too long." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Y/n waited to see what he'd do. They both kept looking from each other's eyes to their lips. They both knew what the other wanted and it was the exact same thing. To share a kiss.

"What's taking so lon-" Jason walked into the kitchen and stopped in his tracks as the other two moved apart. Justin took the popcorn out of the microwave and y/n went to get some soda out of the refrigerator. Jason saw how close they were when he walked in and observed how weird they were now acting. He was pretty bright so it didn't take him long to put two and two together.

"I'm guessing you told her?" he asked, filling the medium sized room with his voice. Justin poured the popcorn into a bowl before looking at his twin brother, attempting to be completely clueless about what he was talking about. "I'm not stupid, Justin, I know you told her. I'm just wondering if you told her the whole story." Jason smirked and Justin sent him a murderous glare. Y/n looked between the two of them, now more curious than ever.

"Whole story?" she asked, resting her gaze on Jason afterwards.

"Yeah, see.. Justin probably told you some sappy shit just now. Probably about how he's been wanting to kiss you for so long, but.. he probably left out that I've been feeling the same way." Jason told her. She looked from Jason to Justin, who looked more upset than ever, before looking back at Jason.

"What exactly are you trying to tell me, Jason?" she asked him.

"We both like you, y/n. Have for a while now." Justin answered. She looked between the two of them, not knowing how it was possible for both of her best friends, who just so happened to be twins, to have feelings for her.

"That's why we fight so much. And that's why he dragged you in here to sweet talk you behind my back." Jason said. Justin rolled his eyes.

"Sweet talk her? No, that's your move, isn't it? Every time you have a party you sweet talk some girl into going up into your room then claim to want to be with y/n the next day. You don't want to be with her, you want to have sex with her!"

"Oh, shut the fuck up. I'm tired of you and your lonely good boy act. You barely party or talk to girls, you're so in love and emotional and caring and shit, we get it. Regardless, you're not the only man in this room who wants to be with y/n and she deserves the right to choose." Jason stated. Y/n was just looking between the two of them. She's learned that it's better to let them yell at each other for a while. When they bottle up their problems with each other they end up fighting and one of them always gets hurt.

"You don't deserve her, but you're right. She deserves to choose." Justin responded.

"So choose." Jason said, directing his words to y/n.

"Wait... right now?" y/n asked, looking between the two of her best friends again. Jason nodded and when she looked at Justin he didn't say anything but she knew that meant he agreed.

It was so much to take in at one time. In less than thirty minutes she'd learned that not only Justin liked her but Jason did too and they both wanted to be with her. She's the reason they fight and bicker all the time and now they expect her to just choose  between them right here, right now.

"There's no pressu-"

"Don't say there's no pressure. When someone says that there's always pressure." she said, cutting Justin off. He looked surprised that she snapped at him, it only happens when she's under stress so he knew that she was taking this decision very seriously and that it was a hard for her. This made him nervous.

"I'm just saying that no matter who you choose, the other one will still be your friend and won't be mad at you.. right, Jason?" he finished.

"Yeah. Of course." he said. It made y/n feel a little better that Jason had agreed. She already knew who she wanted to choose, but she was just worried about losing the other as a friend.

"Okay, if that's the case, then.. I pick Justin." she said, smiling at him. Justin's eyes widened and a smile took over his face as her words registered in his mind. Jason didn't look anywhere near as happy, though. "I'm sorry Jason." she said, looking at him. He waved her off.

"It's fine, I guess. I figured you'd pick him... I'll be upstairs." He left the kitchen before anyone could respond. Y/n noticed how sad he looked and felt bad, but the feeling of Justin grabbing her waist and bringing her into him distracted her from it.

"I'm kind of surprised you picked me. Can I ask why?" he said to her. She smiled.

"I guess I like your lonely good boy act." she responded. He smiled at her before slowly moving closer to her face until they shared a kiss. By the time the kiss was over y/n was sure that she made the right choice.


in my head i say my own name with typing y/n. it wasn't always like this.

1. i know i haven't updated this much lately but i'm trying to finish up my fanfic wrong love.

2. @donnybear (it won't let me tag her) recently posted a tmi video on her youtube so go check it out at & subscribe!

3. i'm in a sucky mood right now so send me love maybe? love you guys. thanks for reading! ♥

don't be a silent reader♡

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