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A year later.

Things were doing well for Ariah. After the day she's been discharged from the hospital. She took a week of rest or more then decides to quit her job and start over again. They even asked her if she was sure of that decision. She said yes, she wanted to start over.

She started her career as a book writer months ago. Unlike last time where she was pressured a lot by her stupid job. Now, she was happy with her life, she was happy of what she does for a living. She had a good start. She's helped a lot to her family. Ian finally found a better job, because his job back then wasn't actually that promising.

They were all doing great. Ariah published a book which by the way quickly became quite known, a good friend of hers helped her on the way. A lot of people loved it. The first book she's finished and may I add it only took her weeks. Let's just say, she already had an idea for the whole book and everything, so it made it more easy for her. She didn't stopped there though, she's written a lot this year. She's published like, three books, and one was a hit! The other two were one of her drafts, she was gladly she finally got to fully finish it and show it to the world.

Ariah was currently painting in her room right now. Feeling peaceful and relaxed. She puts down her paint brush and takes a step back to admire the painting. She sighs happily before lifting it up.

There was a knock on the door and a brunette walks in. "Hey, we should go, you're book signings about to start-- ooh whatcha got there?" Her bestfriend Shay said and walks over to her. Her eyes went wide "Woah...since when do you paint?"

"Just suddenly got into it, I guess."

"What a beautiful painting" she says as she looks at it. Kinda surprised to know that her bestfriend could paint "Why a willow tree though?"

She shrugs "I just...felt like painting it."  It does look beautiful, she thought the painting was worth to be hanged in the wall.

"Well, aren't you going to hang that in your wall?" Ariah smiles, then nods. She walks over to a small picture frame in her wall and removes it then placed the painting there. She steps back. Both her and Shay looks at it.

"It's beautiful" Shay says. Ariah just smiled to herself, feeling proud of her work. "We should go, we're going to be late!!" Then Shay grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of her room. They both hopped into the car and Shay drove until they reached the venue.

The event started. Ariah happily signed the books, being interviewed by people about her books, mostly about her biggest hit, Wildest Dreams. They also asked about what inspired her to create such wonderful story.

"Let's just say I woke up and had a wonderful and a very interesting dream. Started to write about it and then there you go" she says.

Shay was cheering on the corner, feeling proud of her bestfriend. "Easy there. You might scare some people here and think you're crazy" Says the man beside her.

"Oh shut up. Aren't you supposed to be up there?"

"Chill, just waiting for my name to be called"

"And I also wanted to thank my book publisher who became a good friend of mine aswell, and if not for him, Wildest Dreams wouldn't have reached to this spot so quickly and I wouldn't be standing here right now with all of you. So I wanted to thank him for helping me not just by simply publishing it but much more. Parker Williams everyone!" Then the crowd applauds and cheers. Parker walks up the stage and thanked everyone.

Hours have past. Ariah was done signing books and everything. She was just finishing up a few things. She looks up when she hears the door opens. And there, a man with dark hair stands. Holding a book in his hand. Her book.

"Oh, I'm sorry. The book signing was finished an hour ago" Says Shay.

"Yeah, What a bummer am I right?" He chuckles and looks around. Ariah stands up from her chair and speaks "No, no its fine. Here, do you want me to sign it?" She offers and walks over to him. He hands her the book and she kindly signs it. The guy was staring at her as she signs the book and she did felt that he was looking at her. "There. Thank you so much"

He smiles. They both stared at each other, wondering how the person in front looked like someone they know. They looked into each others eyes. Those were the most beautiful green eyes she's ever seen and the most beautiful hazel brown eyes he's ever seen.

"Have we met?" He asks

"Uhm..no, I'm afraid not" but it does seem like they have.

"That was a stupid question, sorry. I've seen you from the book, but..." he tries so say something but sort of felt shy to say it. Thinking that he might sound like a creep. Ariah chuckles and said it was totally fine. "I'm sorry. I'm Nate, by the way"


They shake hands. "I liked your book. It really caught my attention just by reading the first page"

"Really? Why thank you" Shay watches the two from a far, smiling. They look great together she thought. The guy looked dashingly handsome if she do say so herself.

"I apologize for looking so awkward or something. You just...seem so familiar"  he finally says, scratching the back of his head. She could say the same, really.  Once again, Ariah said that it was fine. "Weird question. Do you plan on doing something after this? Or perhaps plans with someone?" Ariah turns her head to Shay. They plan on eating outside after this, Though Shay gave her a thumbs up and mouths "BITCH GO!!" Which made Ariah laughed and turned her attention back to Nate.

"Uhm No, I suppose no" She chukles

"Would you like to have coffee with me?" He offers. "If that's fine..."  Ariah flashes him a sweet smile before nodding.

"Of course"

She swears, she was having Deja vu at that exact moment. But, Oh well.

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