Chapter 28

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"Meet me at the garden."

Wait, who is this even from? She'd assume it may be Nicholas but at the same time maybe not because she had danced with three men besides Gabriel. Should she go? If she was going to guess, it was either one of the guys she's danced with. It can't be Gabriel obviously so it could be that one guy, the one who made her uncomfortable or Nicholas. Oh how she wished it's not the second one.

But what could go wrong, right? Besides, she has nothing much to do besides walk around, talk to a few people and smile, eat, drink. And she could use some fresh air, though she really was planning to go to the garden, maybe she should go now.

And she did. Camila made sure no one followed her so she quietly sneaked out. Who knows, their parents might see her then follow her then what if they saw her meeting a guy at the garden? Yeah, they'd kill her. Camila walks her way to the garden until she saw a man's figure from not that a far. She has a huge feeling that it was Nicholas, so she walks closer. Then the man turns, only it was not Nicholas.

"Fancy meeting you here"

Oh god. She shouldn't have come. It was the one who was making her uncomfortable a while ago at the dance. What was his name again? Oh who cares.

Instead of running away from him, Camila smiles at him then walk passes him, as though it looks like she is just taking an evening stroll. "Wait!" No, no wait, keep walking "My lady, you wouldn't mind some company right?" Yes, she minds. Please go away. The blonde girl said in her mind. Camila did not answer but kept on walking, deciding to just not talk to him and pretend he does not exist at the moment, but it's hard to do that when he kept on talking and talking. One thing for sure, this man looks old for Camila.

"I'm sorry, but I am afraid I must be going, I'm actually looking for a friend of mine" she says, but damn that did not even made him go away, he instead offered to help her find that friend of hers. So all she needs to do is walk faster, not mind him, find Sloan or Paris then bye bye.

"She's with me actually" a males voice was heard. They turned back their heads to see who it was "There you are, I've been looking all over for you" Nicholas says as he went beside Camila. Good save and good timing. "Iris is about to blow her cake anytime soon, shall we go back now?"

"Yes, of course" And then they walked passed the man and simply just smiled at him. Although they did not really went back inside, they took a left, Nicholas knowing very well that Camila does not want to go back inside yet. "Thank you for that"

"You're welcome" he sighs. There wass a few moment of silence. Both of them does not really know what to say, both of their masks were taken off so they cannot really play pretend now. It has been a very long time since they've been alone with each other, hell even talked to each other and stand this close to each other. Should they say something? How's it going? Maybe? "Why are you out here?" Was he perhaps the one who slipped that note into her pocket and it just happens to be that the weird man was also at the garden? Or maybe the other way around, it was him who slipped that note and Nicholas just happens to be here as well.

"You know me, I go to peaceful places most of the times. And you? I am guessing for fresh air because the inside is quite crowded and you kind of want to breath a little?" Well damn. Camila releases a chuckle and looks up to Nicholas.

"You sure know me that well." He just shrugs. Camila inhales before speaking once again "Did you slipped that note into my pocket?"

"What note?" So it wasn't him, It was the weird man. Well thank god Nicholas was here to save her.

Wildest DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora