Chapter 27

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Things have been quite well and going according to plan. Nicholas and Lydia finally getting to know each other but of course will not rush things since the other two will be married first. The wedding being all settled, finally. Joseph is happy of course that everything is doing well. As for Camila, well, she's getting there. I'd say that she's quite doing well too, she and Gabriel has mostly spent their time with each other by Gabriel coming over. She may have forgotten about Nicholas for a while, which is good, well that is what she says. Well, if she is to move on then I suppose it is good. I'd say that it is also the same to Nicholas, he and Lydia have grown quite close to each other, they do have fun and have a few laughs with each other. Lydia would mostly go out to go shopping or just look at dresses and my my, I must say that this girl does love clothes.

"We still do not know when we'll be back but it may be for quite a long time" Agnes says. They had a call this morning. Something about a business emergency that they have to leave to deal with it. Lydia will be staying with the Wynter's still. She will be left with their trusted maid "I'm sorry, I'd hate for this to happen."

"Not at all. It is fine. You two stay safe on your trip and Lydia will be fine here" 

"Thank you, Helen, Clifford" They turned their heads to Lydia "We'll be back as soon as we can all right?"

"Of course. Take care'' She kisses their cheeks and walks them out and waits for them to step inside the carriage "Goodbye!" They waited for the carriage to exit the gates before going back inside. Well I guess she will be staying here for a while. Not that it was a bad thing for her, she happes to feel comfortable now around them and I must say that the Wynter's truly likes her and she felt the same. "So, what are our plans for today?" She asks Nicholas as she sat down the couch. Nicholas closes the book he's holding and pretends as though he is tired "Oh god, please, no more dresses" he says dramatically. Lydia snorts and shakes her head, said that there will be no dresses today that she will be looking at.

"So what do you want to do?" Nicholas asked. Well, they did went out a few times for a walk or to buy foods and stuff so they don't really feel like going out.

"Let us just stay indoors and do some indoor activities"


"Hmmm" she placed her hands on her chin to think of something. She huffed for she cannot think of anything to do, so she just lay her back on the couch and spoke once again "I cannot think of anything. You continue your book and I shall read as well. Today shall be 'Do nothing much' day, be bored the whole day" A small laugh was released from Nicholas's mouth before nodding.

"Well I do like the sound of that" He opens his book once again and continues to read as Lydia opens a book. 


"Okay so we'll be leaving for the day before my birthday wich is in two days! Oh gosh, I am so excited!" Iris yelled "I have already packed up everything, yes EVERYTHING. I have already sent out the invitations and uhm what else? Uhmm....oh! Right right, night clothings yes yes, I shall go pack those later" Yes. Iris's birthday is in a few days and they will be leaving the day before the event. Iris has never been so excited, just imagining the party makes her squeal out of joy. She will be dancing with handsome men, eat delicious food and not to mention, she will be wearing a lovely dress.

"Mhm, and have you and Sebastian worked things out yet?"

"...Not quite..?" Camila crossed her arms "All right, fine, what happened was he said he was sorry, although it really did not sound that sincere to me though. But I kind of let it go since I don't want to have another issue between us when my birthday is coming up! I mean, who am I gonna dance with then?"

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