Chapter 3

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Camila was again and finally back to her room. Just laying on her bed while reading a book.



"Come in" she said. The door opened that revealed her younger sister smiling while holding a mug "Yes? What is it Iris?"

"Obviously I am here to ask you about your little night stroll with Gabriel" she answered and walked to her sisters bed "Here" Camila took the mug from her hand and looked at it and looked back to her sister.

"You didn't make this...did you?" Iris frowned.

"No, I did not. But if I did, why?"

"You make the worst hot chocolate, I'm sorry" the older sibling admits and laughed. She took a sip from the mug and was relieved that it was in fact, not her sister's hot chocolate.

"Well I am extremely offended" she said dramatically, hands on her chest "Steffan loves my hot chocolate and as well as Father!" The younger one defended.

"They are probably just being nice"

"Well I-- You know what, does not matter. Steffan will come home next month and I will be proving that my hot chocolate is the best. Anyway! How is Gabriel?" She changed the topic. Camila took a second to think.

"Well, he seems...nice? Base from what i see and the way he talks, he seemed to be someone who is more into indoor activities rather than spending time outside and has it's mind on business and Science, but has interest in books that is related to science." She answered. Iris laughed.

"So he's a nerd?" She said in short "So, you two have nothing in common then?"

"I wouldn't say nerd but-- I honestly don't know, call it what you want i guess. And...there is 2 things that we have in common" Iris raised her eyebrows "Both graduated as first in class and prefers pancakes over waffles" Iris blinked a few times and then laughed, Camila looked at her weirdly, thinking what was so funny? Or has her sister gone mental? "Why are you laughing?"

"The two things you guys have in common are pancakes and 1st place at school? Pancakes and Waffles are like the same thing Camila! Well that sucks, I assume you do not find him interesting huh? Or am I wrong?" Camila looked at her younger sibling with guilty expression. Yes, she does not find him interesting.

"Yes. Fine. I do not. But again...he seems to be a nice and a genuine person. I think?...I hope." She admits "Why are you questioning me about this anyway?"

"Well first, of course I will, For I have the rights to know my future brother in law" Camila's expression turned into a uncomfortable/disgusted one. "It is what it is my dear sister. But who knows, maybe you will end up like Steffan and Emily's marriage."

"I do not plan on getting married, Iris"

"Well you don't actually have a choice, so I think it is better to maybe give Gabriel a chance and get to know him better, even though he is such...a nerd."

"I suppose that is true..."

Not wanting to talk about Marriage and Gabriel anymore, Camila decided to change the topic by talking about something else.

"So your birthday is coming up in a few months, what do you plan to do?"

"Hmm, I was thinking maybe just a party here at home but...I will be inviting the people I want" Camila mumbled "Of course you are" and laughed "I will be enjoy my life while I am still unmarried" Camila raised an eyebrow "Well...obviously when I turn 20 or above that, Mother and Father might do the same to me"

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