Chapter 32

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"She's waking up..."

"She's waking up!"

"Call a doctor!"

Muffled voices were heard as the girl slowly opens her eyes. She half closes it when she felt a bright light hit her eye.

"Sam call a doctor!"

Slowly opening her eyes wider, she sees  someone standing beside the hospital bed. He was just looking at her.

"Hey..." he says and slowly smile.

"What...what happened?" She felt a pain in her head and for some her chest. As though something stabbed it or something. She placed an arm in her chest. The pain only laster for seconds ubtil she felt none.

"How are you feeling?" Before she could answer, a doctor enters the room. It made her look around and realized, she was in a hospital. A girl was standing by the door, carrying a backpack on her shoulder and wearing a school uniform.

The doctor checked her and asked simple questions like how was she feeling and stuffs like that. She said she was fine and asked why was she there and what happened. They told her she got into an accident, got hit by a car and got into a coma for a few months. Said she was very lucky because she had a lot of injuries but managed to make it. When the car hit her, it didn't stopped for running over her. Said the driver may be drunk or was to shocked to stop the car or maybe even both, and it ended with the person crashing hard on a tree. And so the both of them were both brought to the hospital.

"She's all right. But take it easy, all right? You'll be needing a lot of rest" Says the doctor. Her siblings thanked him before he exits the room.

"I'm going to call Mom and Dad, tell them you're awake and all right." Her brother says before walking out of the room. He was very glad that his sister was awake. The younger girl walks over to her with a smile.

"Hey, you're okay" she says happily and held her hand. Ariah smiles. But it quickly drops as she tries to remember what happened and for some odd reasons, she keeps seeing these weird, yet familiar images in her head. Somewhere she's certain she's never been before. She closes her eyes and images of a field, a house, a ballroom, people dancing and a lot more were flashing in her head. What the hell was that? "Ariah? Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine" she opens her eyes once again. She felt weird on how those images felt somewhat, real. She saw someone too, someone she hasn't also seen in her life before, but why does it feel like she knows him? She shakes her head, not wanting to think about it because her head was hurting.

"You know, I was very worried. When we got a call that you were sent to the hospital, Mom and Dad freaked! What happened anyway? I mean, before you got hit...what were you doing?"

Ian enters the room and hushed Sam. "Thats enough Sam, don't question her. She just woke up. She needs rest."

"Just curious" she shruggs. Now that her sister mentioned it, she remembered what happened that night. Her boyfriend with another girl.

"I called Aidan too, let him know you've woken up" Aidan was with another girl that night. She saw him kissed another girl. That caused all of this. She thought. "He was actually the one who called us. Thank god he was there"

"Can we...can we not talk about Aidan?"

"Why-- oh, of course." Ian clears his throat "Mom and Dad are on their way"


Their parents have arrived. They were so glad to hear about the news. Doctor said that she can be discharged today but if she feels like finding it hard to walk a bit, she could still stay here for a while. She says she was fine, she can walk. Ian and Sam went back home to get clothes for Ariah while her Parents were talking to the doctor outside. Ariah slowly walks out of the room. She hated the smell of the hospital.

She looks around and saw nurses rushing towards a room a few doors from hers. Infront of the room was a guy sitting and his head ducked, both hands placed on his head as if he was stressing out. She didn't know why but she walked over to him. The nurse closed the door before she could even see what was happening inside. The guy noticed a presence beside him so he looks up.

"Uhm...hey" He says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem weird or anything" she looks at the door. The guy looks at it too then back to her.

"Its all right." They stayed quiet for a bit  "It's's my bestfriend. He got into a car accident." He coughs.

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"Its all right, thank you." He looks behind her and saw the girl's parent's talking to a doctor, it seemed to be good news because they were smiling. "Are you getting discharge today?" She nods. "That's great news" He stands up, scanning her. He looked like he wanted to ask what happened to her or something but didn't bother, thought that may be sound so rude.

"I'm sorry about your friend. I hope he'll be all right" Yes, She does hope so.

"Thanks." He rubbed his palms in his pocket and offers it to Ariah for a hand shake "I'm Gavin, by the way" Ariah gladly took it.


"I'm glad you're doing fine now, Ariah" He smiles. Ariah thanks him once again. She hears someone call her name from behind so she turned her head and saw her boyfriend, Aidan. She excused herself from Gavin and walk towards Aidan. Aidan flashes a bright, happy smile and hugged her tightly. "You're all right" he says then lets go. Ariah didn't hugged him back nor show any expression that she was happy to see him, because she's not, obviousl. Her boyfriend noticed and frowned his eyebrows with a concern look "Is everything all right? Do you feel well?"

She didn't have time to yell at him or whatsoever. It feels pointless. If she did, she would be making a scene. She just feels so angry that she wanted to slap him, but chose not to and just stared into his eyes with such coldness, full of anger. Which Aidan might have felt it. She doesn't want to look at him nor talk to him. She shouldn't have known that he was cheating, there were lots of signs. She was too foolish to even notice it, or maybe refuse to notice it when there were already lots of reasons for her to think that her boyfriend may be cheating.

"We're done, Aidan" then she walks pass him. Not letting him talk. She heard him saying some words but she didn't bother to listen nor look back. Ian and Sam finally arrived with her clothes. Once she was all set, it was time for them to go home. Her Mom noticed Aidan and asked Ariah "Isn't that Aida--" but before she could finish, Ariah said that she wanted to go home. Ian felt as though something was wrong, but he did smiled to himself. He never did liked Aidan.

Ariah looks back at the spot where Gavin was sitting. She couldn't help but think about his friend. And so she asked Ian if he knows the condition of the guy who had hit him. He said he didn't know but they were both got into a coma. Said he didn't knew what happened next because he doesn't know which room he was or if he was already discharged or something, because it really wasn't his business and he doesn't care. He just spends most days of the week visiting Ariah at the hospital. Then Ian asked why she asked, she said it was nothing.

She still had a few questions. Not about the night at the accident. But about the images in her head, as if they were now memories. Memories she couldn't even remember she did nor been. What was that all about? Was it a dream? She didn't know. She just knows that all of it felt real.

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