Chapter 8

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A week has passed.

Things have been quite....busy.

Gabriel mentioning about preparing everything before the wedding which means really preparing EVERYTHING.

Camila trying on wedding gowns. Her and Gabriel going out to check of how their wedding would look like and where would it be held. Gabriel said it wasn't rushing when Camila talked to him about it. He said he just wanted to prepare it all so that after their wedding which will be happening next year, all they have to do is enjoy being married couple.

Camila thought there were plenty of time to do it or maybe they could atleast start of with one thing first like the house, and the after that it would be buying the furnitures for the inside and afterwards, the wedding and then the gowns. But again, Gabriel disagreed and said it would be better if they start early. Or maybe he was just really excited for their marriage. Talk about pressure for the blonde girl. Well—Gabirel was the one making choices so Camila wonders why does she have to come along when she wont even get to have a part in it.

"So what do you think?"

"Its.....uhm, Lovely." She smiled approvingly, looking at the blueprint of the design of their house.

The both of them were having brunch outside and at the same time planning a few things.

"Yeah I know it is lovely...although there is still something missing. I feel like this is still not it" He said putting the blueprint back to his bag.

"Do you plan on building a much bigger one than that?" The girl asked. Gabriel swallows his food and then spoke.

"Well, yes. I want the best kind for you, and for us" he held her hand and smiled. "Which means, I want everything to be big! A whole big white wedding, a big cake and big house. God just imagine It."

Camila laughed at him "Hey now calm down there" she says "You might choose big gowns and suits for wedding. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't fit" Gabriel laughed.

"I'm sorry" he says between laughter "I'm just excited and want everything to be perfect." Perfect if by he means...
To much?

Camila decided to talk about something else. Feeling tired of talking about their plans. God her mind has been full with the stuffs Gabriel have been saying about all his ideas and how he will plan this and that.  "So how was your little brother bonding time with Nicholas?" She asks. Clifford has told the both of them to maybe have a little bond together, at least go have a drink or other thing. Since Nicholas has came back, they don't really talk much besides when someone asks about something.

Gabriel said the both were them were fine and don't need to bond for the both of them were busy with a few things but Nicholas thought of it as a good idea. Saying they should go out for a drink.

"Honestly. I did not want to do it. It was not my idea but our Father's" Sounds a bit like a five year old kid who does not want to let his brother play with his toy but since his father says so, he will, Camila thought. "I suppose it was fun? Having to talk to Nicholas about the things he has done for the past years and how was mine."

Camila sensed something from his tone. As if he was not even interested. "You seemed to be unhappy?"

"No. It is just that—I find it hard to have normal conversations with him when there is nothing to talk about aside from how has he been since I already asked that the day he came. And I have plenty of things to do" Camila sighs and nods her head.

After the two of them were finished. They head back. Camila decided to sit at their bench for a while. As she walked to their garden bench, she saw Nicholas exiting their back door which was just near the bench. He saw the blonde girl and waved.

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