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"I'm telling you Ariah! If you don't publish a report by next week, your job is over!" A man yelled from the phone.

A girl sitting on a study table, hands covering her face in frustration and crumpled papers all over the floor.

"I did, I was writing and researching...but I really am just having a huge mental block and some other things that I'm thinking abou--" the girl answered but was cut off

"Well is that my problem? It's either you submit a those papers or you're fired!" The phone call ended. The girl released a huge sigh and pulled her hair in frustration.

She had a lot of things going on in her head, most of it has something to do with money...which was paying medical bills, helping her parents and some other.

She picked up her phone to try to call someone, which was her lover. But unfortunately and as she expected, he did not picked up, though recieved a message saying he was busy helping his cousin and will call her when he is free.

The girl did not bother to reply and just understood the situation. She knows that the both of them had always been busy at work to the fact that they rarely have time for each other but even so...she still tries to the best partner for him as she could. She decided to just take a walk outside to calm and clear her mind.

And so she did.

She stood up from her chair and went outside for a walk.

She loved taking walks at night time. It really does help her think and relax. The girl thought of ideas to write for a book she could do. She knows it may have nothing to do with her job, but writing was one of her passions. She loves to write. She would sometimes write a few stuffs when she'd randomly come up with something but doesn't really have the chance to finish them.


After a few minutes of walking, she decided to go eat and went to her favorite restaurant that she and her lover Aidan used to go. She smiled when she saw the restaurant just across the road but stopped when she saw someone familiar.

She walked a bit closer, yet slower to see if the familiar man was who she think it was.

And she was right.

There she saw her so called lover inside the restaurant with some other girl who she cannot deny, was indeed beautiful. She tried to calm herself down for she felt like it is what she think it is, but she does hope that she was wrong.

Thinking maybe she was the one he said he was helping so maybe there is nothing for her to worry about..but that thought quickly fade away and was replaced with a feeling of betreyal when she saw him kiss her. She doesn't even know where she was standing, all her focus was from the two touching lips inside the restaurant.

She was snapped back into reality when she heard loud car horns. So she turned her head to the right to see but was met with a white bright light that went straight to her.

The next thing she knew was her whole body hit the ground and her visions became black.


"Miss Camila..."

"Miss Camila, it is time to wake up."

Eyes slowly opening while a woman was standing beside the bed while looking at a young girl slowly waking up.

"Oh..Goodmorning miss Camila."


Hello! I just want to inform you all that this book may contain some typographical errors and some wrong grammars. Apologies for that, for I am too lazy to re-check the chapters whenever I finish writing them. Also, about the description in this book, I'm honestly not good at making descriptions and stuffs so I kinda just typed all that out in over 30 second, not actually thinking if its a good enough description or not. I do plan on changing it one day (maybe). But I do hope you enjoy the story!

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