Chapter 6

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It was almost night time and Camila is standing in front of her mirror, fixing herself for her and Gabriel's date for later. Actually, she has been standing there for thirty minutes or maybe more...

She was deep in her thoughts that she did not realized that she has been brushing her hair for the past few minutes. "CAMILAAA YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND IS HERE!!" She heard Iris yelled that made her snapped out from her thoughts. She quickly fixed dress, hair, face and everything and finally hurried her way down.

Gabriel was waiting in the living room. Once he saw the blonde girl, he smiled widely and stood up. "You look gorgeous as always" he complimented. Camila smiled and thanked him. "Shall we go?" He offered his hand on the way out and Camila smiled and accepted it.

The footmen guided her to hop inside the carriage, followed by Gabriel 

"So what have you planned for today?" The blonde girl asked "It seems to be somewhere a little far?"

"It's a surprise. You'll see" he answered with a wide smile.

The rest of the ride have been quiet—well Camila has nothing much to say so she just looked outside the window while Gabriel was sitting in front of her, stealing glances every second. Of course Camila sensed it but did not bother to say a word for she did not found it bothering or uncomfortable.

Few more minutes of silence inside the carriage and they were finally there. Camila looked outside and saw that it was a huge fancy restaurant.

As they got inside, Camila looked around. It was definitely huge and a very fancy place .It even looked like all the people inside are rich. They are all wearing such shiny jewelry and beautiful clothing.

"Let's go?" Gabriel led out his hand. Camila took it and followed him up the stairs. She was surprised to see a rooftop with a table in the middle for two people. It was beautiful indeed with the lights, plants and even people playing music with their instruments.

Gabriel guided her to her seat.

"I hope you like it" he stated and sat in front of Camila. Camila once again smiled and said that it was lovely "It didn't took me long enough to prepare this, once I thought of maybe you'll like a fancy dinner" He chuckled. Well Camila was not that into fancy stuffs but she does admit that Gabriel did pretty good. She liked the decorations and how the stars were shining right above them.

"Fancy stuffs are not really my thing but I like it. Thank you" she smiled.

"Oh! Before we continue, I'd like to give you something" Gabriel took something below the table and brought out a small white paper bag. The girl wondered what it was and waited for Gabriel to take out what was inside it. "I was buying some...things the other day and I saw this" he put out a dark blue box. Camila gasped a little, for she knows what it is. Gabriel opened it and she was right...It was a necklace. "It's beautiful, right?"

"U-Uhm..yes, but Gabriel you didn't have to--"

"But I did." He smiled and held the blonde girls hands "Anything for my future wife" He stood up, holding the necklace in his hand and went behind Camila. He gently moved Camila's hair and puts the necklace around her neck. As much as Camila doesn't want to accept the necklace—it seems like Gabriel would still insist "See? It's beautiful, it suits you"

Camila just smiled and thanked him "But still, you didn't have to. But I appreciate it, Gabriel. Thank you"

"If we get married, I'd buy you anything that you ever want. Dresses, jewelry, anything" Camila just smiled and decided to change the topic. She asked about how his day went and the past days have been. He mostly just talked about how their wedding will be and how their life will be when they get married while Camila keeps pushing the topic to the other way, she does not want to talk about the wedding at all

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