Chapter 17

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Just like what Camila said yesterday. She will be continuing her duties for their wedding. Which again, is trying on dresses and talking to wedding planners. And that day is today.

"On the count of three, dear, you inhale deeply. Now, One....two....three!" Camila inhales as the lady pulls the strings of the dress to make it tight. "Ah, now doesn't this look fabulous?"

Camila slowly turns around, feeling uncomfortable on how tight the dress is.

"Uhm, I think we should loosen it a little bit? It is kind of hard to move?" She says, holding her breath. As though if she sighs or breaths in just the slightest, the dress will pop "Perhaps a dress that is a little bit more comfortable? And I do not think that this dress is suitable for a wedding?"

"I agree. You do not even know if she is the bride or a whore at a Gabriel's bachelor party"


"What? Is that not what you meant by not suitable for a wedding?"

"I mean.. i just- ugh, does not matter. Can we just uh-can we take this off now? I find it quite hard to breath here"

"My apologies, Miss Henderson. We'll take it off right away." One of the lady says. Camila says that it was fine.

Camila never knew it was this hard to find a dress. I mean, it is just a wedding dress, right? There are tons, yet she still has not chosen anything.

"We still have three more dresses for you to try out"

"I bet you this, it is still not suitable" Iris whispers go Emily. Emily agrees while shaking her head as she eyes Camila who seems to be tired of standing and going in and out of the fitting room. Iris faked a cough. "May I suggest something?"

The Taylor's and designers turned their heads to her. "I've made a few sketches of dresses of my own. I think it might fit"

"Iris, you better make sure that those so called sketches of yours are indeed for weddings and not for costume parties" Iris rolled her eyes at her older sister before taking out something from her pocket. Her sketches. She hands them to one of the designers. "So...?"

They were very amused of her sketches. It was pretty clear on their faces that they liked it. "These....are good. Wonderful, even." Iris smiles widely.

"You've had that with you the whole time and you just decides to show it now?" Emily says. Iris just shrugs.

"Let Camila choose" Steffan says. Oh right, they forgot that he was also there.

They showed Camila the sketches. And she does admit. My my, the designs are wonderful. Turns out that her little sister can do a lot after all, huh.

"All of it are lovely actually." She smiles "How about you choose for me?" she looks at her little sister.

"I'm glad you suggested that, my dear sister." She stands up and walks beside her. "This one"

Camila hands the sketch that Iris chose to the woman.

"Very well then. It will take at least a week or two for the dress to be finish."

"Take as much time as you need ma'am" Camila says and finally sat on the couch.

"So I guess we are done for today Miss?"

"I guess we are" The designers tells her that they will be back as soon as the dress is done. Camila thanks them before they exit the Henderson's house. "Another time wasted just by trying on dresses" she sighs

"Oh dear, you must be tired" Mrs. Murray says, as she enters the room holding a tray a long with Evelyn and Sienna. "You must be hungry."

"Yay! Cookies!" Steffan yells before taking three cookies from the tray.

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