Chapter 31

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Morning has came. Well, here it is. The day has come.

Wedding day.

And about last night, well Camila cried herself to sleep. When she woke up, she wanted to slap herself so hard in the face. She thought she was pathetic and thought-how many times had she cried this year? But can you really blame her? No, you cannot. But yet again, she felt bad about herself. She couldn't believe that she was getting married today. TODAY!


She was thinking about last night, about Nicholas. She didn't knew what he thought about it when he knew. She's not even sure if he knew. It was possible that nobody even told him. What was he doing right now? Well, to answer that question, he is actually here. Yes, he came. It hurts him to do so knowing that he will be watching the woman he loves get married to his brother. Gabriel did not want him to attend actually, he says that he might ruin the special day and if not only for Clifford and Helen, Nicholas would not be invited. And what was the next thing to do? Well, he could just leave. The wedding and his family was the reason of him to stay in the first place but since it ended like this, he could've just left. But he didn't. It was very stupid of him to even attend, he thought. He even planned on seeing Camila before the wedding starts. Well, that did not go well since he did not get the chance to see her for Gabriel told him to back off once he saw him leading his way to the dressing room. "Don't make me hit you again, brother" he says. "You could've just left and not attend this wonderful day, but then I thought...wouldn't it also be nice for you to witness it all and finally get it?" Gabriel adds. Nicholas's jaw tightens. They were surrounded by people so they should not make a scene, so he just walked off. Lydia found him and asked if something was wrong, if he was all right. He says he was fine.

Camila is currently getting ready. Three ladies were helping her fixing her hair, dress and make up. She was staring at herself at the mirror infront of her as they fix her up. Helen was in the room as well, seeing how things were going and Diana was already inside a long with the guests.

"You're getting married dear, smile" the older woman says. Camila then forces a smile. "Now don't you look pretty" Camila gave no response but still on that smile on her face, could not wait to drop it as soon as Helen leave. "I'll go on ahead now. Oh what a happy day, my son is getting married with a wonderful woman" she says before exiting the room. Camila felt sick for some reason. She was fidgeting her fingers and felt like suffocating in her dress. Was it really the dress?

Later on, she hears a knock. Sloan and Lydia walks in, wearing such beautiful dress. Sloan was the brides maid. Camila looked at both of them and thought they were beautiful. "My my, you look gorgeous Camila" Lydia compliments

Camila brings back her smile from a while ago "Thank you. You look beautiful" Lydia thanks her. Sloan wasn't sure what to say, but she was happy for her bestfriend. Although, she was surprised about the sudden news that the wedding was happening today. She wasn't sure what had happened but the last time she checked, Camila said she was happy with Gabriel. And she did believed that a little, for she's seen Camila spending time with Gabriel for the past weeks. But also thought what about her feelings toward Nicholas? But then again, last time she asked, Camila said that everything was fine.

Oh well. Just curious why suddenly make the wedding today, feeling as though something was off or maybe she was just being paranoid.

"Soooo, how are you feelingg?" Sloan asks with a smile "Doing all right?"


"Ugh, my bestfriend's getting married!" She squealed, she wanted to hug her but her dress might get ruined. She planned on asking her about the wedding but rather not. Maybe the Camila and Gabriel just planned on making it early, no big deal. She thought. "All right, all right. I'll leave. I just went here to check on you. Clearly you look gorgeous. As you should." then she leaves the room. As the hair dresser and the two other ladies were finished, they left the room as well. Camila noticed that was still in the room with her.

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