Chapter 21

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The next morning has came. Everything was clear now. Well- it already was, if it wasn't for Camila being so in denial. But yes, she does not deny it anymore.

There was no reason or excuses for her to say. It also hurts her to deny it, but finally. She says it out loud. She is in love with Nicholas Wynter.

They were at the dinning room. Eating lunch all together, silently.

"You look quite happy this morning Camila" Emily says. Camila just smiles at her.

"Hmm, what could be the reason?" Says Diana.

"Have you finally come to your senses and think that moving to France is a good idea?" Camila's smile drops at Joseph's words. Great, way to ruin her morning I guess.

All of them noticed how her smile fade so all of them looked at Joseph As though they were saying why did he have to say that? she was such in a good mood! Joseph did not mind them but spoke once again.

"Anyway. We will be having dinner tonight at the Wynter's. Since we always have dinner here. I think it is fair that it is our turn to go there for dinner and for gatherings"


"Yes. So we must get ready"

There was silence once again. Diana clears her throat to break it.

"So, Iris, dear. Your birthday is coming up, what do you plan on doing?"

"Oh thank god, I am glad you asked"

"Here we go..." Steffan says in a low voice. Iris smacks him and told him to shut up.

"So, I was thinking inviting the whole town although not sure if they will all fit here--" she looks around "Ah yes, they will. But it would be embarrassing if no one came though soooo maybe I shall invite my friends and people I talk to and stuffs. And for the rest of the people, they are welcome to come here."

"Why not just tell the whole town that they are invited? Is that not the same thing?" Emily says.

"Suppose it is. Yeah, all right. Oh and for the theme, I wanted a grand ball" of course she does. "Oh! A masquerade ball!"

"Don't you think that is a bit too much?" Again, Iris tells Steffan to shut up, it is not about him but her, she says.

"I think it's wonderful. A masquerade ball? Yes" Diana agrees. "What do you think Joseph?" She turns to her husband. He just nods and simply say that it was alright. "So then it is settled, a masquerade ball for Iris's birthday"


After lunch. Camila decided to spend her time at their garden, reading a book and had a few bread and muffins and a glass of milk at her side. Thomas was there as always. Cutting grasses and snipping the plants.

"Lovely morning we have here Miss Camila" Thomas says as he noticed the smile on the blonde girls face. Looks like she was having a good morning.

"Indeed it is. Hello Thomas" she greets with a sweet smile "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet Miss. But I will be in a few minutes" Camila puts down her book and looks at Thomas with a concern face. He was very sweaty, he's been standing there for hours and he has still not eaten yet.

"Nonsense. Go take a break" she pats the seat beside her "Come, join me"

"It is alright Miss. I'm almost finished."

"I am requesting you to sit here with me not just as your boss but as your friend" Thomas puts down the shears and did what he's told. He sat beside the girl and thanks her "Here, We'll have one bread each"

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