Chapter 18

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Weeks have past. The day of the town's ball has finally came. Everyone was so excited. Dancing with their fancy new gowns, with their partners and all. Iris has been talking about it since the other day. Says that she could not wait for the day to come, for she has already prepared everything.

It was still early though. The ball will be held in the evening.

"Iris. If you keep wearing that dress of yours, it might ripped apart or someone might spill tea on it. And what would you be wearing then?" Steffan says as he noticed that his little sister has been wearing the dress on and off.

"Fine. But I can't help it! My dress is so wonderful and I cannot wait to wear it!"

"Then you would be wise enough to take it off, to avoid accidents" Iris sighs and said that he was right. She walks her way up to her room to get changed. Emily and Camila laughed. "What would you be wearing honey? I still have not seen your dress." Steffan turns his head to his wife.

"You'll see it later."

"Oooh, is it something sexy? If so, I will not allow it."

"It is not. And even if it was, so what?"

"Plenty of men will be there of course"

"It is not something revealing, I assure you." Emily turns her head to the blonde girl "And what would you be wearing?"

"A dress." Emily frowns "Did I not already shown you mine?"

"The pink dress?" Camila nods "Ah yes, that one is wonderful indeed. Okay"

"Camila, Sir Gabriel is here to see you" Evelyn says. And yes, they have all agreed to call her Camila instead of Miss Camila. Camila stood up from the couch and went to the main door and found Gabriel standing there with a huge smile on his face. He was holding a box. A white box with a red ribbon around it.  Did I not mention  that the box was quite huge? Yes, the box was quite huge. It was another gift, obviously.

"Gabriel" Camila greets. Gabriel greets her back and kisses her on the cheeks. 

"This is for you" He lifts the box "Remember the gift that I was telling you about last time?" The girl nods. "It arrived just this morning. Right on time for tonight's ball" 

Camila gave him a warm smile and thanked him. 

"Shall we go to your room and open it?" Camila nods. They walked up the stair to Camila's room. Gabriel placed the box on Camila's table. He waits for the girl to open the box. Again, he has a huge smile on his face. "Go on, open it"

Camila walks over to her bed and slowly untie the ribbon. Once it was done, she lifts the cover of the box and saw a sparkly white dress. It was beautiful. You could tell that It was very expensive, just by looking at it. How sparkly it is and how gorgeous it is, no lie to that.

"It costs about thousands of dollars" Gabriel says proudly "Do you like it?" Camila looks at the dress. It really was beautiful.

"Uhm, Yes. Thank you, Gabriel. Although this is too much. But I really appreciate it. Thank you" Gabriel sighs and walks over to her. Holds both of her hands as he looks her in the eye, still with that wide smile.

"Camila, you are my soon to be wife. Meaning, you have got to get used to me buying you things"

"I know, but it is not really necessary"

"Oh, but it is."

"It's not. I don't need expensive dresses and jewelries, really."

"You do not like my gift?"

"Yes- I mean no, No. I love it, of course. Truly. It is very thoughtful of you. But again, as I said, I do not want you spending a lot of money just because of a dress or jewelries for me" Gabriel chuckles and hugs her tight.

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