Chapter 4

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I was getting ready for the party tonight, said that it will be held here at our house. Of course it would.

I am still trying to see the good in this situation, hopefully, or maybe...just maybe I could learn to love..uhm..Gabriel. I think I can, for I am beginning to feel comfortable with him. Although I still do not see us together.

As I was finished brushing my hair, i heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said softly. Emily came in with a smile and already dressed up. She looked so beautiful as always, I remember the first time Steffan introduced her to us. The both of us hadn't really had a good impression to each other, for I that time was having a very bad day and it happened to be that Emily bumped into me at our garden that made my book fell into the mud. We always laugh it off whenever we look back into it, remembering how I hated her for weeks because of it. And I was 16 at that time.

"My my, Don't you look gorgeous" she commented and walked over to me "I heard you are getting married?"

I answered with a simple "Mhm" and proceeded on putting on my necklace.

"Iris told me that your soon to be husband is a nerd" she laughed. Yes my sister could sometimes be loud and talkative.

"He seemed all right" I said. "He is coming to later on's party, along with people who i have not met" I do like parties of course...but i do not look forward for tonight's Party.

I noticed that Emily was looking at me with a concern look. I'm guessing she knew that I was not okay with the marriage thing, but I do not want people worrying about me. I don't know why but I just hate the feeling of it.

"I'm fine, Emily" I smiled sweetly "Gabriel seems to be a great, decent man. We seem to get along pretty well." I said in a soft voice. She seemed to believe it because she flashed a smile of relief.

"Well good to know." She hugged me. "Forgive me for my clinginess, but I treat you and Iris as my real sisters." She laughed. Me and Iris does the same, we treat Emily as our older sister, the three of us get along pretty well. Emily was an only child and when he and Steffan got together, we grew close together. "Do you want me to help you get ready?"

I shake my head "Uh no, I was just about to put my earrings on and I will be down. Are the guests here?"

She flopped down in my bed. "Yes, some." It feels weird that I later on will be walking down the stairs and people who I don't know and mostly are here for me and Gabriel will be starring. "Let's go together, I don't know any of them"

"Ditto" As I was finished fixing my earrings and everything, there was nothing left than for me to go down stairs. Can't I just stay here and paint? Yes I also like to paint. In fact, I love it. But I have not done it for months because Mother mostly gets mad at me for having paint stains in my dresses and my hands and face. I mean, it's not like it was permanent. A simple wash will remove it. But no, as she always says....a Lady must always look decent and presentable.

Yet some house wives get tired as hell and have dusts and dirt on their dresses? Which by the way is awesome because by the looks of those stains, meant they worked hard on something.

"Should we go?" Emily asked as she stood up from my bed. I nod my head and made my way out of my room with Emily.

I was imagining the look of the people downstairs as soon as i started walking down the stairs. I forced myself to look happy and excited, of course it will be awful to see if someone was scowling and seemed to be not interested in anything.

I slowed down a bit once I saw the stairs. Emily seemed to notice because she looked back at me. Although did not bother to say a word and instead did the same.

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