Chapter 2

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"Wait...give me a minute for my dear mind to process this.." Sloan said while massaging her head.

"Just yesterday you were reading books and're engaged to a guy named...what is his name again?" Paris asked "Gavin was it? Gilbert? George? Guacamole?"

"Who the hell would name their son Guacamole?" Sloan said and looked at Paris in a Are-you-serious?-face

"As from what I remembered...his name was Gabriel? I am not really sure, I have only heard it once." Camila answered while walking around in circles in her room for the past minutes.

"Ooh the name sounds Handsome." Sloan whispered "Maybe he's not that bad and besides. Even if you have told us that you have no plan on getting married, although still this happened. You can still do what you love to do...only the changes are, you have a husband."

"Yes but does it not mean that you have to love the person who you are married to? hell, I wasn't even informed of this!"

"Should've said no when you had the chance" said Paris.

"But I didn't had a chance! That's what I have been saying...and as if you two don't know my parents"

"Aww. All right, honey, come here" Sloan stood up from the grass and opened her arms for a hug.

"No no, I have thought about this and since I have no choice and no power to stop this, then so it goes." Camila said trying to calm her self down and stopped walking in circles. She tapped her foot on the ground in a fast movement—her Friends noticing that she was still not calming down. And Finally...Camila looked over to Sloan with a frown and run into her for a hug.

"Aww, Not to worry Mila—a part of me says that this will turn out well." Sloan said in a calming voice and kissed her bestfriend's forehead and heard her mumbling some words "What?"

Camila let go of the hug and sighed "Does not matter" she wipped the grass off her dress and started to walk her way to her horse

"Are we heading back?" Paris asked and stood up from the ground. Sloan and Camila laughed when they saw their friend's hair full of leaves and flowers

"Huh?" He looked up and laughed when he realized that his hair was messy. He took one flower that was in his hair and handed it to Camila "Flowers for you m'ladyyyy" he bowed.

"Why thank you kind sir" Camila acted a long.

"Wait—did you not say that Gabriel and his parents are coming over again for dinner?" Sloan asked when noticed that it was getting a little late.

Camila's eyes widened for she has totally forgotten all about it.

Without even saying a word, she hurried back, riding her horse.

She didn't want to go home. She wanted to stay a little bit more with her friends but sadly, she could not and of course...we know why that is.

Once the blonde girl has entered their main gate. She hopped out of her horse and once again fixed herself. She knows she was late and her dear Father might probably yell at her later on.

Camila walked inside their huge house-- or should I say mansion. Yes, did i not mentioned that they were rich?

"Ah, there she is!" Mrs. Wynters happily said as she saw the young girl walked inside.

Her Mother walked to her with an angry expression "Where have you been?" She whispered, obviously mad for her being late.

"My apologies mother, it will not happen again."

Mr. Henderson cleared his throat and escorted the Wynters to the dining room for as what they planned for the evening. Dinner with the Wynters and for Gabriel and Camila to finally meet.

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