"Oops sorry, Nevermind" he slouched down. I threw a grape at him. "Idiot" I mumbled. "So your match?" "Cameron getting a beating" "I saw" he chuckled. "What did she do?" Roman asked. "Bitching about me. Let this be a lesson to the Divas Division. If they wanna bitch about me. Say it to my face." I rolled my eyes. "Attitude much" Seth smirked.

"Shut up Justin Bieber" "OH DON'T YOU START" "Do you think you can start the crowd off with that chant" I whispered to Dean. He chuckled. "I'll try" he softly kissed my lips. I got up.

My match was next. Cameron walked out first. My song hit. I appeared on the ramp running down smacking a few fans hands. I jumped on the top turnbuckle and blew kisses. I jumped down coming face to face with her.

The ref signalled for the bell to ring. I pushed her down. She looked at me in shock and got back up screaming in my face.

She slapped me. I bit the inside of my cheek and looked back at her. She jumped on me throwing punches. I rolled us over being on top punching her. We were rolling around. The ref pulled me off.

She had the advantage of kicking me in the face. I was on my knee getting up she jumped on my back locking me in a submission. I gasped for air trying to reach the ropes. Instead I walked backwards making her back connect to the turnbuckles. She let go. I ran at her. She dodged it. I turned around as she run. I set my finished Da Shout out and pinned. The Bell Rang. I stood up the ref raised my arm. I smiled and went backstage.

The guys were still originally where they were before. I sat back down on Dean lap. "You need to stop wearing clothes like this, Cuz I can't do the things I want to do with you" he whispered. I blushed. "Aww is Mr Ambrose frustrated" I giggled. "You have no idea" he kissed me.

I got up so him and Seth can do there promo. I sat back down. "I can't believe you've guys have been together for almost 5 years." "What scares me is Charlotte in school now with Riley. My babies have grown up" I pouted.

"They all do?" "How's Aj and the baby?" "Both my little Angels are fine" "She's almost a month old" "I know. Time really does fly by" "Should I go back blonde?" I was looking at my brown hair. "Random but It's up to you"

Seth and Dean promo came on.

"Hey, look look take it easy take it easy alright, I just wanna talk look I we had a lot of history between us and I was just thinking about our match tonight and I really think it's in our best interest if you backed out."

"Back out. Why's that?"

"Well only for starters I got a huge title match coming up at payback I mean you wouldn't know anything about that but no the point is Kane made this match out of spite alright he only made this match to humiliate me and when Triple H finds out about it he's gonna be furious and he's gonna take that out on anyone who willingly participated including you so just I just just Just think about it. Just Back out. It's for your own good"

"Sounds good"

"Yeah, that was easy I knew you would see it my way"

"See you out there"

"Wait what I thought, I thought you said that sounds good?"

"Yeah, about the part about humiliating you sounds great. I stopped listening after that"

"You are making a huge mistake"

"Yeah my whole life's been a mistake anyways at least this one ends with me beating your face in"

I chuckled. They both came back. As I was gonna walk out Seth pulled me back. "What did he mean his whole life was a mistake?" "Shitty Childhood Seth" "I know that but I almost broke character to hug him""I'll hug him for you" I smiled and ran to Dean.

His music hit. I followed behind him, He passed me his jacket as I stood at ringside. I slipped it on. Seth came out with J + J security.

Skip half of match

Kane had Seth and Dean by there neck. He pushed them and was threatening the ref. He then turned his eyes on to me. My eyes widened. Luckily Dean jumped on him.

It went crazy to back and forwards. Seth hit his finsher and won. I rolled in checking on Dean. "You ok?" Kane was by Seth so that was good.

Well I thought he was. Kane grabbed my hair pulling me up. He grabbed me by my neck. My two feet were dangling off the floor. "Woah, Woah. Kane let go." Seth was trying to calm the situation. He growled and threw me beside Dean.

I had my hand on my throat gasping for air. Roman music played. He came running out. Kane rolled out only to get a superman punch. He knocked the securities out and attacked Seth, He escaped. Roman ran into the hand of Kane, Dean tried to help. He pushed them off. They each attacked him. Roman speared him.

Dean, helped me up. He put his finger on my chin tilting my head up to look at my neck. He glared at Kane. I rubbed my neck with my hand leaning on his shoulder. Roman and Dean fist bump. I got pulled into a group hug by them.


"You sure you're ok?" Dean asked me. I was taking my elbow pads off. "I'm fine" I sighed and unzipped my top from the front. "I'm gonna.. I can't control it. I'll be out there whilst you change..." he quickly ran out and closed the door making me laugh. I found my glasses and took my contacts out.

I removed my makeup and shoved on Baggy grey Jogging bottoms and a short white tight tank top. "You can come in" I shouted as I packed my clothes away.

The door opened. I turned around to see Finn and Andy..... "Missed me?" He smirked and threw Dean bloody body by me. "No! I thought you were Dead..."

I'll Be Your Healer (Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя