• T H I R T Y - N I N E •

ابدأ من البداية

I notice the front desk is not occupied, probably because it's at least 1:00 in the morning. I yawn quietly as Harry steps me down and leads me up the stairs. We try not to make any noise, but we end up laughing half way up. Harry holds my hand as he takes me up to his familiar room, unlocking the door.

He guides me in, and I look all around. There are beer and liquor bottles on the ground, half eaten take out food lying around and dirty clothes tossed everywhere. I also notice that there's a new tv. "What happened to this place?" I ask, a bit disgusted. I step through the junk, beginning to pick them up.

Before I could clean up anything, Harry quickly picks them all up and makes a neat pile near the rubbish bin. I'm guessing he's going to throw them out tomorrow. "I'm a mess without you, babe." He murmurs sadly as he picks me up, me wrapping my legs around his waist. Feverishly, his lips press onto mind and the gears of my brain don't have the ability to work properly when I kiss him back.

"I can do this forever." Harry mumbles against my lips while I pull his closer by his curls. Whilst still kissing me, he lays me down on the queen size bed gently and delicately, like its too easy for me to break.

Finally he pulls away from me and takes off the sweater and shirt that covers his upper body, revealing his many tattoos. I giggle when the shirt gets stuck about eight or nine times. After its off of him, he dips down to kiss me again, whispering sweet things in my ear.

"I'm tired, Harry. I'm not in the mood to stay up all night." I pout, as he kisses my sweet spot.

"I know love, now get changed." He says as he climbs off of me, shirtless. I have to admit, I'm really loving this view.

"What do I change into? You literally gave me no time to get my things." I say and he rubs the back of his head.

"Yeah about that, sorry I had to use the rag. I was panicking." He chuckles nervously and walks over to the dresser. Seconds later, a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers and a blue tee shirt get tossed to me.

"You can wear these for now, I'll get you new stuff tomorrow." He says and shoves me into the bathroom, locking the door. I quickly change into the clothes; the tee shirt is way too baggy and reaches mid thigh, but the boxers are okay.

When I'm in view of Harry again, I find his sprawled out on the bed. "Fuck, you look hot in my clothes." He whispers, a prominent bulge appearing in his sweats. I can feel my cheeks heat up even though this isn't the first time he's said something similar.

I stand there, looking at him. "Thanks." I say, not sure of what to do. Does he want me to sleep on the couch? I walk over to the comfortable looking couch and plop myself down on it. It's a bit cold, but it'll do.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" Harry asks, propping himself up on his elbow. I look back at him with a questionable look.

"Now cuddle with me!" He whines, running his hand through his adorable messy hair. I sigh as I get up and walk over to the bed. He makes room for me and I climb into the really warm space.

"You do illegal things, and yet you act like an innocent little fluffy unicorn." I say sarcastically as Harry inches closer to me, draping his arms over my stomach and pulling me to him.

"But I'm your innocent little fluffy unicorn." He grins as he kisses my face. I smile a little as I bury my head close to his bear chest. But my eyes can't seem to close, even though Harry's in the midst of falling asleep. I notice the tattoo near his collarbone that says '17BLACK'. I'm unable to hold back a giggle.

"What?" Harry asks, his sleepy tone being undeniably sexy.

"Are you a fan of James Bond too?" I ask, letting my hands roam to his collar bone.

He nods. "I'm planning on getting a new tattoo." He adjusts the pillow and pulls me even closer, no space in between us.

"Of what?" I ask him curiously.

"Of an innocent little fluffy unicorn." He says, pointing to the space on his inner arm.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you changed me. You've had that much of an impact on me that the world needs to know about." He says, absentmindedly playing with my hair.

I yawn, thinking about his words. "Can I ask you something, and promise to be honest?"

He nods. "I swear."

"Would you like me better if I was bad and rebellious or if I'm innocent and stupid." I ask him, gulping as his face changes.

"Hey, you are not stupid. What makes you think that?" He asks me, frowning.

"I don't know, I feel like I let people take advantage of me. They take my kindness as weakness." I shrug as he sighs.

"Now answer the question." I urge him and he slowly closes his eyes.

"I love you just the way you are, you don't need to change a single bit."

"But-" I say creasing my eyebrows.

"Goodnight Caroline." He cuts me off, leaning back to flick the lamp switch. The whole room goes dark as he lands on the pillow with a loud drop.

"Night Harry." I respond, sighing. My eyelids slowly fall over my eyes as I hear nothing but the city sounds.

"I love you." I hear him whisper sleepily one last time. I smile as the night goes on.


When I wake up, Harry's arm is draped over my waist and his legs are entangled through mine. I look over at him; sometimes, hot doesn't describe him. It's more like adorable, but he gets annoyed when I tell him that. His curls are flopped over to one side like a soufflé gone wrong and his mouth is wide open, soft snores escaping.

I look over to the alarm clock and see that it's near 10:30 in the morning. I try to untangle myself from Harry's grip without waking him, but each time I try to move, his arms tighten harder around me.

"Harry..." I whisper, rubbing his warm back. Even though I want to stay in bed longer, I can't. "Harry, get up, it's almost 10:30."

It's incredible how today's the day of my dreaded wedding and I'm not even there. I wonder how many people noticed me gone...mother and father must be so mad.

Harry slowly opens his eyes. "Good morning, love." He says with his raspy morning voice. I can't help but to be turned on.

"Morning." I smile as I finally try to get out of bed but Harry is quick to pull me into his arms again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going, missy?" He chuckles and closes his eyes again.

"Harold, it's getting late. Get out of bed." I scold him and fake little snores come out of his mouth. It's so cute when he acts like a playful little puppy.

I wish he can stay like this forever.


A/N: Carry is so cute I'm crying. I can't even. Like. Bye, I'm so done.

So. I need your opinions on this- what should be the ABS song? Like the song that's for the whole story...a song that sums up the whole story. I've got a few in mind for now, and I just need you to comment inline for the one you think is best....drumroll pls....

Don't Let Me Go- Harry Styles

Never Say Never- The Fray

Sound Of Your Heart- Shawn Hook

When You're Gone- Avril Lavigne

Thanks for sharing your opinion! Vote and comment please, and thank you! Cheers. X.

Abducted By Styles [IN RE-EDITING]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن