Deleted Scenes

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A/N: I feel like I owe you one so x


*Harry and Caroline are in bed and it's two am. Caroline is asleep, but Harry is up- wearing his glasses, biting the end of a pen between his teeth as he clutches a parenting handbook.*

HARRY: *takes off his glasses, puts down the books and reaches across the table at his side to turn the night lamp off and sighs.* That was quite enough for one night.

*Pulls the covers over him and scoots closer to Caroline's fetal position body, wraps an arm around her, rubbing softly on her swollen stomach.*

HARRY: *whispers* Hey there, little wormy Sherman. I can tell you aren't asleep yet, your mum had way too much juice before bed.

CAROLINE: *opens one eye cautiously and holds in a laugh*

HARRY: Wanna have a chat with your old man? *waits for response*

HARRY: I'll take your silence as a yes... (pauses) Anyways, how's it going in there? I bet it's really warm and your own little home or some shit. *puts hand against mouth*

HARRY: Oh god I wasn't suppose to say that... Oh my god- no I'm a terrible father. Christ help me. *buries face in hands*

HARRY: Forget I said what else is up?

*freezes momentarily as genius idea enters his head. Slowly climbs out of bed and tiptoes to the side where Caroline's facing. Caroline pretends to be asleep again*

*floorboard creaks, Harry grits his teeth and freezes. Gets on his knees in front of the bed, gently placing his hand on stomach.*

HARRY: We've got important matters to discuss, bean. We need to figure out the theme for your first birthday... what d'you think about a giraffe theme? I bet mum would think it's super cute and babyish.

CAROLINE: *Thinks, "Nah I like Under The Sea."*

HARRY: Or Batman... or bunnies... Or better yet, bunnies dressed like batman! *baby kicks against hand*
*Harry's eyes brighten as he grins* You like that idea don't you? Yeah?

CAROLINE: *mentally smirks as she decides to crash the party* *opens eyes* What's happening here?

HARRY: *thinks, "Oh shit."*

CAROLINE: Why aren't you asleep, love?

HARRY: *stammers* I, uh, I was just wanting to get some water from the night stand but um, my glasses f-fell under the bed and-"

CAROLINE: *amused by the flustering, raises eyebrow, and picks up glasses from the bed sheets* They're right here, you know.

HARRY: Well then, I guess I have short term memory loss. (chuckles nervously) Better get to bed then.

*gets into bed awkwardly*

CAROLINE: *shifts and gets comfortable facing other side smugly* Whatever floats your boat, hon.

*thinks for a while*

CAROLINE: Hey that would make a good birthday theme, wouldn't it? (laughs knowingly)

HARRY: (groans, knowing he was heard) Night, Care.

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