Chapter 84

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Tyler had a complicated relationship with his family. He was an only child and only really had his parents around him while growing up. There wasn't any extended family that he ever met. He had known he was gay from a young age but didn't come out to his parents until he was a senior in high school. Sadly, they didn't accept him. They gave him until he graduated high school to move out. So as soon as he graduated he moved to Paris, wanting to be as far away from them as possible. He struggled when he first moved. He was all alone in a new country. With no family, no friends, and no money. He tried reaching out to parents a few times but they continued to reject him. After a year of trying, he gave up. They had reached out to him a few years later when they saw his pictures in a magazine. He was happy when they started apologizing to him, hoping this could be the start of them rekindling their relationship. But not even five minutes into the conversation they started asking for insane amounts of money. When he told them no they yelled at him and called him horrible names. He hung up on them and hadn't heard from them since.

The year after he moved to Paris he met Willow. It didn't take long for the two to become incredibly close. They were both new to Paris and really relied on each other to get by, with Willow really being there for him during the drama with his parents. Tyler had no idea what career path he would follow. College wasn't an option for him and he moved without any plans. Willow always knew she wanted to be a photographer and after asking Tyler to help her practice, she soon realized he had a lot of talent. She encouraged him to try out modeling, helping him build up a portfolio. With Willow's help he found what he was passionate about and became successful.

Willow was his only family. They were already living together when he first discovered who Willow's family was. He had walked in on her FaceTiming her dad and he couldn't believe who was on the phone screen. He knew that Willow's last name was Downey but he never put the two together. Willow tried to avoid talking about who her family was, not wanting it to sway people's opinion of her. She was scared to first introduce Tyler to her dad but he was her best friends and he deserved to know the truth. Willow introduced them that day over FaceTime and they both became fast friends. When they first met in person, they quickly took Tyler into their family, with him even calling Susan mom.

When Tyler first introduced Sam to Willow, he was so nervous. He really liked him and he wanted his best friend to approve of him. Lucky for him, Willow loved him. She said he was perfect for him and he couldn't be happier with her reaction.

Tyler and Sam began dating at the end of 2018, almost as long as Willow and Sebastian, they've spent ten years together. It was time for the next step. They had talked about getting married before, but never really talked about who would be the one doing the proposing. They figured it would just be whoever got to it first.



Sammy ☀️
hey Will!
weird question, but do you think your parents would be up to having dinner with me?

Willow 🌼
hey Sammy!
yeah of course, when do you and Ty wanna stop by?

Sammy ☀️
well I was kinda hoping it'd be just your parents, you, Seb, and I..

Willow 🌼
oh okay. yeah i'll talk to them and let you know what day works

Sammy ☀️
thanks Will!
talk to you soon!


Willow arranged to have dinner at their house since her parents had already planned to go visit the girls. Sam was incredibly nervous when he entered the house and saw that they were all sitting at the table already. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Downey."

"Oh Sam please. We've known you for ten years now, you can call us Susan and Robert," Susan said as she stood up to hug him.

"Oh well thank you Susan." They all got settled in and started eating.

"So Willow said you wanted to have dinner with us? I'm surprised that Tyler isn't here," Robert said,

"Yeah well I kind of wanted to talk to you guys about something," he paused to settle his nerves. "So I know how important you all are to Tyler. You are the closest thing he has to family so I wanted to make sure I did this right." He took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask if I have your permission to ask Tyler to marry me."

"Oh! My! God!" Willow yelled as she ran over to hug Sam. "This is so exciting! You 100% have my permission!"

"Mine too," Sebastian said excitedly.

"This is wonderful!" Susan gave Sam a kiss on the cheek. "Tyler is like a son to us," she smiled. "You can absolutely ask him to marry you!"

"Welcome to the family son!" Robert said.

Tyler and Sam were over the moon to now be engaged. They decided on a small wedding only inviting their closest friends and family. Willow and Sebastian were their closest friends so they had the whole Stan family be a part of their wedding. Willow was Tyler's maid of honor, Sebastian was Sam's best man, and Aaliyah and Athena were the flower girl and ring bearer. The ceremony was beautiful and their vows had everyone crying. The reception that followed was so fun and it was nice to have a night to just let loose.


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tylerjonesneal the love of my lifetagged: @samjonesneal

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tylerjonesneal the love of my life
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Sam Jones-Neal posted a photo

samjonesneal the love of my lifetagged: @tylerjonesneal

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samjonesneal the love of my life
tagged: @tylerjonesneal

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