Chapter 28

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December 2018

Sebastian was coming home today and he was planning a surprise for Willow. The past four months apart was hard on them but they got through it and kept their promise of talking daily. He missed her so much and it made him realize he wanted to spend every minute he could with her. He wanted to take their relationship a step further and ask her to move in with him. Well not exactly, he wanted them to move into a new home together. He was nervous about asking her but he was also feeling confident that's she'd say yes.

He was arriving early in the morning and didn't want Willow to have to get up that early to pick him up, so he decided to just catch a cab. Willow was staying at his apartment so that they could be together as soon as possible. When he got home, he went straight to his room to see Willow sleeping. He set his bags down and joined her in bed and wrapped his arms around her. She slowly woke up and turned in his arms, "Sebby you're home!" she said excitedly but still half asleep. "I've missed you so much!" she said as she kissed him.

"I missed you too," he smiled. They continued to hold each other until they both went back to sleep.

Hours past before they woke up, still in each other's arms. "Good morning beautiful," he smiled as she fully opened her eyes to look at him.

"Good morning my love," she kissed him. "So tell me all about the last four months! How was filming?"

"It was great. It was amazing getting to film in Greece but I missed you like crazy."

"So did I. You have no idea how much." He wanted to ask her now. It felt like the perfect time but he was so nervous. "What's on your mind?" she asked, obviously seeing that he was thinking hard about something.

"So there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about," he paused. "I've had a lot of time to think about us while I was away and I think it's time we take a next step in our relationship. I just want to spend every moment I can with you. So with that being said, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to move in together?"

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!" she quickly jumped from her position next to him on the bed and straddled his lap. "I'd love to!" She peppered his face with kisses as he wrapped his arms around her.


"Yes! Absolutely!"

"I'm so glad you said yes cause I've already found the perfect place for us," he grinned.

"Wait. You want to get a new place together not just have me move here?"

"Yes," he looked at her with so much love. "I want to be able to start our life together, somewhere new."

"I love you so much Sebastian," she placed kisses all over his face. "But when did you have time to look for a new place?" she giggled.

"Well I made some calls while I was away and had Tyler go check some places out for me."

"Well at least I don't have to worry about breaking the news to him that I'm moving out," she chuckled. "So where is this place you found for us?"

"Only a few blocks from here. I still wanted to stay in the same area, just figured we can go for something a bit bigger than my place."

"Well let's go see it!" Willow jumped out of bed and ran to go get ready. She was so excited to be taking this next step with Sebastian. She had no doubt in her mind that this is what she wanted. About an hour later, they were both ready and made their way over to their potential new home.

The realtor was already there waiting for them. "Hello Mr. Stan its good to finally meet you. This must be Ms. Downey, it's a pleasure," she smiled at the couple.

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