Chapter 36

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November 2020

Willow had been back in New York for about three weeks now and Sebastian was due back home in about a week. Scarlett had texted her earlier that week to see if she was free to grab lunch with her.

As soon as she got in the car she was engulfed in a large hug. "Will! I've missed you! It's been way too long!"

"I know! We haven't seen each other since New Years!" she turned in her seat to greet Scarlett's daughter. "Hi Rose! I hear someone just has a birthday last month!"

"Hi Auntie Will! I am six years old now!" Willow and Scarlett had met in 2009 on the set of Iron Man 2. The two of them grew incredibly close and became like sisters to each other. Willow was in Paris when Rose was born but Scarlett often FaceTimed with her, wanting Rose to grow up knowing who Willow was.

"Well I think I owe someone a present then!" This caused the little girl to giggle.

Willow turned her attention back to Scarlett, "Congrats on the wedding by the way!"

"Thanks! And thanks again for the beautiful gift you sent us. Sorry that we weren't able to invite any of you. We decided to keep it safe by only having our immediate family at our house."

"Don't even worry about it! While I would've loved to be there, I know things are weird with Covid so I get it. But I am so happy for you guys! How is everything?"

"Everything is great! We are very happy," Scarlett smiled. "How about you? How are things with Sebastian?"

"Things are amazing. It's just hard being away from each other for so long but thankfully he'll be back next week." The conversation continued like this for the rest of the car ride.

They ended up at a small Mexican restaurant. They were having a great time catching up with each other and listening to Rose babble about the things she liked. Once they were done eating, Willow began to feel a little sick. Before she could say anything, she quickly got up and ran to the restroom. All the food she had just eaten was now in the toilet. Once she felt she was done, she made her way back to the table.

"Are you okay?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah I'm okay now. I think the food just didn't sit well with me."

"Oh no I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. It happens."

"Do you want me to take you home?"

"No it's okay. I'm feeling better now."

"Okay. Only if you're sure." Willow nodded. "Okay in that case, do you mind if we stop by Target? I need a few things for our house."

"Yeah that's no problem! Besides, I need to get my little friend here a birthday gift," she said as she poked Rose's little belly, making her giggle. They paid for their meal and went on their way.

As soon as they entered Target, they went straight to the toys. Rose picked out multiple things, which Scarlett scolded her for, but Willow insisted she buy her whatever she wanted. Surprisingly, Rose was calm and patient as they made their way through the store. Willow stopped in her tracks causing Scarlett to stop and look at what had caused Willow to stop. Willow's eyes were wide as she looked at the tampons on the shelves. "Are you trying to decide which kind you want or something?"

Willow took a deep breathe before speaking. "I'm late."

"Oh my gosh. Do you think you're pregnant?" Scarlett whispered.

"I don't know. Maybe. I haven't had my period since before I went to visit Seb in Atlanta and that was a month ago." Willow walked further down the aisle and grabbed a pregnancy test. She held it in her hands and took a deep breath. "Can we go? I need to do this now before I start crying in the middle of Target," she chuckled trying to mask her anxiety.

"Yeah let's go pay for all of this. But I would suggest trying to hide that test. We don't want anything getting out before we know what the results are and before you could tell Seb." They paid for all their things and made the short trip back to Willow's house. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Yes please. I don't want to do this alone." They went up to her apartment and settled Rose down in the living room with a movie. Willow went to the bathroom and did what she had to do and walked out to see Scarlett waiting outside the door. Willow could already feel the tears starting to form in her eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Scarlett asked.

"What if Seb doesn't want this? I mean we've talked about kids but not anytime soon. I mean, we're not even married yet."

"Are you kidding? Of course he'd want this! If there's something I know about Sebastian, it's that he's wanted to be a dad for a long time and the fact that you'll be the one to give him that, will have him over the moon. And who cares if you're not married, you don't need a piece of paper to make you better parents." Scarlett brought Willow in for a hug. She parted and let out a small giggle, "And if we're being honest this was probably bound to happen. I mean you guys pounce on each other every chance you get and I'm sure you haven't been using a condom."

Willow couldn't help but blush. She hugged her one more time before they heard the alarm, signaling the test was ready. Willow walked into the restroom with Scarlett behind her. She took a deep breathe before picking up the test. She fought back tears as she looked at Scarlett, "I'm gonna be a mom," she smiled.

"Oh my god Will! I'm so happy for you! You two are gonna be fantastic parents!"

"Thanks Scar. You've always been like a big sister to me, so it really means a lot coming from you."

"I love you Will and I'm here to help you in any way I can," she smiled as she brought her in for another hug. "Now how are you gonna tell Seb?"

"Well I definitely want to wait until he gets back, it's not something I want to do over the phone." In that moment, Bucky came running into the bathroom, "I got the perfect idea!"

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