Chapter 62

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June 2023

Family was the most important thing to Willow and Sebastian. This didn't just include their little family at home, they loved their parents and siblings so much. It was rare that they were all able to get together other than on special occasions but this always included other people. Today they planned on having both their families over and just spending the day all together with no one else around.

Georgeta had already arrived at their house, being that she lived a lot closer to them than the Downey's did. She absolutely loved going to visit the small family, any chance she got to see her grandchild was a time she cherished.

A knock sounded the door and Willow rushed over to answer. "Hi Mom! Hi Dad! I've missed you so much!" She was wrapped into a group hug by her parents. "Hey Indio! Hi Avri! Hey Exton!" she said to her three siblings as they each hugged her. "C'mon, Seb's mom is already here."

They walked into the living room and Robert's eyes lit up when he saw his granddaughter, he was always incredibly excited every time he got to see her. "Hey Georgie! Great to see you again," he smiled and gave her a quick hug. "Now can I please hold my granddaughter," he said excitedly. Georgeta chuckled as she handed Aaliyah over to Robert's awaiting arms. "Hello Lia my dear," he smiled brightly.

"Ganpa!," she said happily. She absolutely adored her grandpa Robert and her other two grandparents knew he was the favorite, and surprisingly they were both okay with it. Honestly, how could anyone not love Robert.

They all stayed talking for a while in the living room, catching up with each other. Lunch was brought by Robert and Susan so they moved to the dining table and ate together as they continued conversation. Once they finished eating, Willow wanted to spend some time with her siblings and Sebastian so she suggested they help with some baking in the kitchen, leaving the grandparents with Aaliyah.

"Exton, Avri are you excited to be going on summer break from school?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes!" they both said in unison.

"Any plans?"

"I think we're going to Disneyland next month," Exton said.

"Oh my god! And why weren't we invited? I wanna go to Disneyland! We could take Lia for her birthday!" Willow said excitedly.

"Yes! I want you guys to come!" Avri said.

"I'll talk to mom and dad about it. I'm sure it'll be okay with them," Willow said.

"Will, Sebby can we have a sleepover?" Avri asked excitedly.

"Of course we can!" Sebastian said matching her excitement. "Once you guys are out of school next week we can make plans with your parents to figure out a day."

"You guys can stay for a whole weekend and we can plan a bunch of activities to all do together!" Willow joined in on the excitement.

"Yay!" both children cheered.

Willow had all of them helping her bake dessert as they all continued talking and catching up. "So Indio how's the love life going?" Willow asked. Indio's cheeks immediately began to turn pink and Willow's smile grew. "Oh my gosh!" she gasped. "There's a girl isn't there!" she teased.

"Yes," he grinned. "We've only been dating for about three months but I really like her, so we'll see where it goes."

"Well I'm sure she's great man. We'd love to meet her," Sebastian smiled.

"What's her name?" Willow asked.

"Kendra," Indio smiled fondly.

"Well you should bring her by sometime for dinner," Willow smiled.

"Yeah I'm sure she'd like that. I'll talk to her about it and let you guys know."

Once the brownies they made were done and cooled, they made their way back to the living room where Aaliyah was happily surrounded by her grandparents.

"Ooh what did you guys make?" Robert tried getting a peek at the tray Willow was holding.

"We made brownies but you can't have any," she scoffed playfully.

"What! Why? What did I do?" he gasped.

"So were you just not gonna invite us to go to Disneyland with you guys?" Willow sassed back.

Robert immediately shot a look to Avri and Exton, "Okay which one of you guys blabbed," he groaned. He looked back to Willow, "It was supposed to be a surprise for Aaliyah's birthday."

"It was Exton!" Avri pointed to her brother.

"You didn't tell us that it was supposed to be a surprise!" he defended himself.

"Yes we did!" Robert rolled his eyes playfully. "But anyways, I was gonna tell you today. We were planning on going the whole week of her birthday. Will you guys be able to go?"

Willow and Sebastian looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah we won't have anything going on during that time so we should be good to go. Thanks guys," Sebastian smiled.

"Would you use like to join us?" Susan asked Georgeta.

"Oh no its okay. Theme parks are a little much for me now," she laughed.

"Well if you change your mind, you are more than welcome to join us."

"Okay now that you know about Disneyland can I please have a brownie?" Robert begged as he saw everyone enjoying a warm brownie.

"I guess you're forgiven," Willow chuckled. She passed the tray to Robert and he quickly grabbed multiple brownies before handing the tray back.

"Oh god these are delicious!" he moaned at the taste.

The rest of the night went wonderful. They talked some more, planned to spend the holidays together, and enjoyed dinner. Willow and Sebastian were both so glad that their families got along so well. It made it so much easier to have days like this where they could all spend together.

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