Chapter 72

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November 2024

Tired was an understatement for how Willow was feeling. It's been about three weeks since she gave birth to Athena and she was utterly exhausted. Sebastian had been amazing, doing as much as he could to help. But with breast feeding, late nights, early mornings, and her body still recovering, she was struggling. Sebastian saw this and wanted to do something special for her, something to help her unwind.

"Babe?" he asked as he walked into their room. Willow had gone to take a shower while he fed the girls breakfast. He still heard the shower running so he figured she wasn't done yet. He pulled out a comfortable pair of pajamas for her and a robe. He walked into the bathroom as she was walking out of the shower. "Here put these on," he said handing her the clothes he picked out.

"I just changed out of pajamas," she was confused since she had already picked out an outfit for the day.

"I know but I have a surprise for you," he smiled. "Put these on and come downstairs when you're ready." He walked out before she could say anything. She was still confused but put on what he had picked out for her anyways. Once she was done getting dressed she made her way downstairs. She was even more confused once she walked into the living room. There were three ladies in black uniforms standing there. She looked at Sebastian hoping for an explanation. "Willow this is Alice, Maria, and Natalie. They are here to pamper you for a few hours."

"Wha- But why?" Willow stuttered.

"Because you deserve it," Sebastian said.

"But what about the girls?"

"They ate breakfast and played for a little bit and now they're napping and when they wake up I'll take care of them. Now go sit down and get comfortable and let them get to work."

Willow felt tears start to form in her eyes. She ran over to hug him, "Thank you," she said before leaning in to kiss him.

"Anything for you my love." She kissed him once more before running over to where the ladies gestured for her to sit down.

"Hello Mrs. Stan. I'm Natalie and I will be giving you a pedicure, Alice there will be giving you a manicure, and Maria will be giving you a facial."

"Thank you ladies so much for doing this for me. And please just call me Willow," she smiled.

"It is no problem at all Willow."

Alice and Natalie had her choose a color for them to use for her nails and she picked a beautiful nude one, not very different from her usual colors she chooses. She sat back into her chair and relaxed, loving the feeling of getting her nails done again. She hadn't gotten them in a little over and month so she was very happy she was getting to do them again in the comfort of her own home. Once she was all settled in Maria got started on her facial. Willow was in absolute heaven. Soon her tiredness took over and she fell into a peaceful sleep. She did not wake up again until about an hour and half later when she heard noise around her. She looked up to see the ladies packing up their supplies. They noticed her waking up, "We're sorry Willow we did not mean to wake you up."

"Oh no don't worry about it. I didn't even mean to fall asleep but I am feeling wonderful now so thank you so much. I guess I really just needed some time to relax." She helped them finish packing up their things and looked around the room, "Do you ladies know where my husband is?"

"Oh your daughters woke up so he said he was going to go up to their room."

"Okay thank you. I'm going to go get him to have him help take your things out."

"Oh no that's not necessary."

"Nonsense! Of course it is. I will be right back," she smiled before going to look for Sebastian.

She walked into Aaliyah's room to see Sebastian laying on her bed with Aaliyah leaning on his chest with her arm around his waist and Athena cuddled into his arm. She couldn't help but tear up at the sight. "Hello my loves," she said quietly. Sebastian and Aaliyah both looked up to see Willow leaning on the door frame.

"Hi mommy!" Aaliyah said happily.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Sebastian smiled.

"Amazing. Thank you so much Sebby," she said as she leaned down to kiss him. "The ladies just finished packing up do you think you can go help them out to their car?"

"Of course." Willow leaned down to pick up a sleeping Athena from his arms. They all followed Sebastian to the living room where the ladies were putting the last of their things away. "Thank you ladies again for treating my wife so wonderfully."

He started grabbing some of their bags before Aaliyah approached them, "I want to help!" she said proudly.

Sebastian looked around for the lightest thing she could carry, "Okay, here Lia you can take this pillow."

"Okay daddy!" she said before grabbing it and running to the front door. All the ladies were gushing, saying how cute and polite the little girl was. Willow thanked them once more before they walked out. Soon Sebastian and Aaliyah walked back in hand in hand. "Movie?" Aaliyah asked her parents.

"We can watch a movie. I'm sure mommy wouldn't mind relaxing for a little longer," Sebastian joked.

"I wound argue with that," she chuckled. "What movie do you want to watch?"

"Mmmmmm," Aaliyah said thinking, "Winter Soldier!"

Willow chuckled as she looked over at Sebastian who groaned at her choice."Fine," he said fighting back a laugh.

They put on the movie and all cuddled together on the couch. They all eventually fell asleep together and had one of the most relaxing days they've had in three weeks. At least until Athena woke up again.

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