Chapter 17

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August 2017

"Are you ready?" Willow asked Sebastian as they stood outside her family's house. They had just come back from their trip and had a week left until they had to be back in Atlanta. They decided to spend it with Willow's family so that Sebastian could get to know them better.

"You do know that I've met your family before right? I've been to their house," he chuckled.

"I know that but this is different. Before you were coming here as my dad's friend now you're here as my boyfriend."

"Well thanks. Now I'm nervous," he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Oh c'mon it'll be fine." They walked into the house and set their luggage down by the door. "Is anyone home?" she shouted.

"We're in the kitchen!" she heard her mom say. She pulled him towards the kitchen and took a deep breath before they went in. "There you two are! Hi honey! How was your trip?" Susan asked as she brought her daughter into a hug.

"It was great mom."

Susan turned to Sebastian, "Hi Sebastian! It's wonderful to see you again," she said as she hugged him.

"It's good to see you too Mrs. Downey."

"Sebastian you have always called me Susan, that doesn't need to change now that you're dating my daughter," she chuckled.

"Okay," he smiled shyly. "Thank you for letting me stay for the week."

"Oh it's no problem. You know we all love you here Sebastian," she smiled.

"Hi Sebastian!" Exton said.

He crouched down to meet the height of the five year old, "Hi Exton!"

"Sebby!" he turned to look at the two year old in Robert's arms.

"Hello Avri! Hi Robert," he smiled.

"Hey Seb," he side hugged him. Willow went around and greeted her family and told them all about her trip.

"Is Indio coming over?" she asked.

"Yeah he'll be here later for dinner," Robert said. "For now, why don't you guys go get settled in. You have a few hours before dinner so go rest up."

They grabbed their luggage and made their way up to Willow's room. They didn't realize how tired they really were until they laid down and quickly fell asleep. They weren't sure how much time passed before a knock on the door woke them from their sleep. "Hey guys, Indio is here and dinner is almost ready."

Willow groaned as she opened her eyes. She looked over at Sebastian who still had his eyes closed, "Seb we gotta wake up now."

He tightened his grip one her, "Can't we just stay here?"

"I wish we could but no. C'mon Indio is here and I'm sure he can't wait to go all protective brother on you," she joked.

He groaned, "Okay fine."

They got dressed and made their way downstairs. Everyone was already sitting around the table waiting for them. "Indio!" Willow shouted as she ran towards her brother and jumped into his arms, being slightly lifted off the ground. She hadn't seen him since before she left for Atlanta and missed him terribly.

"Will! I've missed you!"

"Me too," she smiled as Indio set her back down on the floor.

"Hey Indio," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian," he said as he held his hand out for him to shake.

Willow looked at her brother, "And so it's begun. Indio be nice."

"I always am," he grinned.

They sat down and began eating dinner. "So tell me, how did this start?" Susan pointed between the couple.

Willow was trying hard not to blush. She knew that Sebastian had told her dad how their relationship started but wasn't sure about telling the rest of her family. "Oh um we started off as friends, then dated for like a month. Then I asked him to be my boyfriend. We've been together for about five months now."

"Well you two make a beautiful couple. I'm very happy for you guys," Susan smiled.

"So Sebastian, what do you love about my sister?" Indio asked sternly. Willow couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

Sebastian knew what Indio was trying to do. He didn't blame him for being protective of his sister, even though she was a year older than him. Her last relationship was awful and he wanted to make sure she didn't have to go through it again. Sebastian didn't hesitate with his answer, "I love everything about her. The way she lights up any room she walks in to. The way she can make anyone feel like her best friend after only minutes of talking to her. The way she constantly reminds people of how important they are to her. The way she isn't embarrassed to just full on belly laugh even though she sounds like a crazy person. The way she makes me smile more than I ever have in my entire life. I love her with everything I am," he said as he reached for her hand and placed a kiss on it.

Willow and Susan had tears in their eyes. "I love you too Sebastian," she smiled.

Indio cleared his throat, "Um well I wasn't expecting that." He didn't think Sebastian would say all that about his sister. He expected the typical, 'she's kind, beautiful, funny,' but no, Sebastian very obviously loved her. "Well it is clear you love my sister, so Willow I approve of your boyfriend."

"Um thanks but I don't remember asking for your approval," she laughed.

"I know but be grateful that now that I know he loves you I won't be an ass to him," he grinned.

"Well thanks I guess."

"So when do you guys go back to Atlanta?" Indio asked.

"We leave on Sunday," Robert replied. "We're done filming in January but we'll be back for the holidays."

"Sebastian will you be joining us for Christmas?" Susan asked.

"Umm I'd have to check with my family first but I'd love to," he smiled. They continued talking through dinner and watched a movie together afterwards. Once it was late, they all parted ways to their rooms for bed.

"Today went better than I expected," Willow said as she cuddled in closer to Sebastian.

He smiled down at her, "I hope you know I meant every word I said."

She leaned up to kiss him, "Well let me tell you what I love about you. I love how kind you are to everyone you meet. I love how much passion you put into your work. I love the way your nose crinkles when people compliment you. I love the way you aren't scared to show me how much you love me. I love everything about you Sebastian. I love how even in just six months, you have made me the happiest I have ever been."

"I love you so much draga mea," he said as he held her tightly in his arms.

Friend's Daughter (Sebastian Stan Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن