Chapter 47*

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March 2022

Willow and Sebastian usually liked to spend their anniversary doing something low key. After their first anniversary where they went to a fancy restaurant for dinner, they now preferred to just spend time alone together, with no one else around. They still of course did multiple things to make each other feel loved. Now that they had Aaliyah, things had to change a little bit. Tyler and Sam had offered to babysit for part of the day so that Willow and Sebastian could spend some alone time together. Willow was a little hesitant to leave Aaliyah with them but she eventually gave in, knowing it would only be for a few hours and she would be back by dinner time.

Willow woke up to the sweet smell of French toast and coffee. She smiled knowing that Sebastian was responsible for it. After getting ready for the day, she made her way to the kitchen where Sebastian was cooking while dancing around, causing Aaliyah to giggle in her high chair. Willow went straight to Sebastian, wrapping her arms around his waist. He turned around in her arms to face her and kissed her deeply before shouting "Happy anniversary!"

Willow couldn't help but giggle at his excitement, "Happy anniversary my love." She went over to sit with Aaliyah and feed her breakfast as Sebastian set the table. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Well Tyler and Sam said they'd pick up Aaliyah around 11, so we should get her ready once we finish breakfast. Then I was thinking we could take a walk to our favorite bakery to pick up some dessert. Then we could come back here and just spend the afternoon together. Then we can make dinner before they drop Aaliyah off and we can finish the night off as a family."

"That sounds perfect," she smiled.

Once they finished eating, Sebastian cleaned up and Willow went to get Aaliyah ready. She dressed her in a cute little outfit, ready for the day the boys had planed for her. Once she got her bag ready she brought her out into the living room where Tyler and Sam were already waiting for her.

"Hey guys!" she said hugging them both. "Thanks again for doing this for us. And if you guys need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to call us."

"We'll be fine Will. You guys go enjoy yourselves and we'll see you around 6," Sam said as he reached for her bag.

Willow nodded before hugging Aaliyah, "Bye baby. I love you so much. Mommy and daddy will see you later." Sebastian leaned over to kiss his daughter and tell her how much he loved her. Tyler reached for Aaliyah and before Willow and Sebastian could say anything else, they were out the door.

"So why don't we head out so we could get this anniversary started," Sebastian said grabbing his keys, phone, and wallet. They began their walk to their favorite bakery, picking up all their favorite desserts.

When they got back home, they ate some pastries and just spent their time talking with each other. They were reminiscing about the past five years together and both of them had huge smiles on their faces. Sebastian was looking deep into Willow's eyes as they sat on the couch together. "What?" Willow asked shyly as Sebastian continued to stare at her.

"You're so beautiful," this caused her to blush. "I love you so much Will. I never knew love before I met you. You have given me the greatest joy in my life when Aaliyah was born. You are the two most important people in my life and I couldn't imagine my life without you. These past five years have been better than anything I could've ever dreamed of." Sebastian reached into his pocket and stood up in front of Willow just to go down on one knee. A loud gasp left her lips as tears started to form. "You continue to make me the happiest man in the world, and I hope you will let me spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for you. I am so fucking in love with you Willow. Will you please do me the honors of marrying me?"

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